
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Avon Hydrofirming Drench Recovery Mask

I was super excited to try this Avon Hydrofirming Drench Recovery Mask when I first spotted it from the Avon catalogue. After all, I still use the Hydrofirming Eye Cream every morning, and although this may sound sarcastic, but who could resist that lovely splash of clear blue water on the white packaging? Seriously, I would totally put that on my face. I'm not joking!

Opening the package didn't disappoint me either. The clear pale blue gel inside had a citrusy soapy scent - it smelled really fresh! Applying the gel mask was easy too, because the gel was just thick enough to not slide around or drip. After 15 minutes or so, it dries down to a sticky clear layer as expected.

Going to rinse it off though, I got a bit of a surprise: the nice layer of gel puffs up into a thick layer of goo that just takes for freakin' ever to rinse off. It wasn't disgusting or anything, it just felt like I had dunk my head into goo. The results afterwards was meh too. Better the SkinLite wash-off masks, but not moisturizing enough. Come on, it's supposed to be hydrofirming drench recovery? May be drench in goo was more like it!

Good thing this was cheap. $.99 for a pack of 2, so about $.50 each. It wasn't a horrible wash-off mask, but it was nothing impressive either. I probably won't buy it again.

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