
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Maybelline Eye Studio Color Plush Silk Eyeshadow Part III

It's been three years since I last reviewed the Maybelline Eye Studio Color Plush Silk Eyeshadow and a recent drugstore sale got me to pick up 3 new palettes: 05 Give Me Gold, 85 Gutsy Green, and 150 Desert Fantasy.

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Whereas the previously reviewed Color Explosion Luminizing Eyeshadows in 10 Amethyst Ablazed and 20 Blue Blowout were busts for me, I'm happy to say these 3 Plush Silk palettes were much, much, much better! In fact, they're even better than many of the Plush Silk palettes I already own, and now my current favorites are 05 Give Me Gold (read on and you'll see why), 40 Green with Envy, 50 Taupe Temptress, with 85 Gutsy Green and 150 Desert Fantasy being close seconds!

As with the others, texture is fantastic with the three left shades super soft, silky, and the 2 leftmost buttery to the touch. The far right shade is drier and chalkier, but all in all much less dusty and powdery fallouts. In all 3 palettes there is just 1 matte shade, thank goodness! When used dry the colors are all true to how they appear in the pan, with the wet versions exaggerating and intensifying the colors and finishes but don't pull any kind of crazy bait-n-switch. Pigmentation is excellent with no inconsistency between wet/dry versions of the shadows.

This inconsistency is my biggest concern for wet/dry shadows actually. My humble opinion is that these are first and foremost dry pressed powder shadows. The fact that they can also be applied with a dampened brush is an added bonus and not really the main selling point for me. I'm not sure about other people, but I don't buy pressed powder shadows with the intention of using them exclusively wet or even mostly wet. If anything, it's the opposite. I bought pressed powder shadows because I prefer using them dry, and if I wanted a wet shadow I would have bought a liquid one instead. So when a wet/dry shadow is totally sheer, dull, and generally crappy when dry (ahem 110 Legendary Lilac!), to me it's a sheer, dull, and generally crappy eye shadow plain and simple. Sure, it can be transformed with a damp brush, but that wasn't why I bought it!

05 Give Me Gold: I expected to like this palette the least but it pulled a stunning upset over the other 2 and became my favorite! All swatch photos have top row dry and bottom row wet.

From left to right:
- Base/highlighter: metallic and medium intensity (dry), high intensity (wet). A semi-translucent ecru that becomes more completely opaque and intensely metallic when used wet.
- Lid: metallic and medium intensity (dry), high intensity (wet). A golden canary yellow, again more opaque and intensely metallic when used wet.
- Medium/crease: metallic and medium intensity (dry), high intensity (wet). A golden copper when used dry, true copper and intensely metallic when used wet.
- Liner: satin and medium intensity (dry), semi metallic and high intensity (wet). A satiny chocolate brown with larger gold sparkles when used dry, becomes semi metallic with prominent golden shimmers when used wet.

85 Gutsy Green: if one can pull off this pretty parakeet look, one is gutsy indeed! I love these colors, now as for actually wearing them... :X The liner shade is very wearable for me, but the rest of the colors I can only admire from afar.

From left to right:
- Base/highlighter: metallic and medium intensity (dry), high intensity (wet). A greenish yellow that probably will never work for me (I haven't had the courage to try it), but my chicken shittiness doesn't make the color less pretty :P
- Lid: metallic and medium intensity (dry), high intensity (wet). A metallic mint green. Enough said.
- Medium/crease: satin based shimmer and high intensity (dry), metallic and high intensity (wet). A bluish jade green that's too green to be called turquoise. But it's gorgeous, no? It's a satin based with blue-green shimmers when used dry but turns metallic with a slight gold sheen due to the gold shimmers becoming much more prominent.
- Liner: shimmer and high intensity (dry), metallic and high intensity (wet). A gorgeous peacock green that turns metallic with a silvery sheen. If you're wondering why I bought this palette since I would never wear these color, it's all this liner's fault. Yes, I bought this palette for just this color, and despite not wearing the other 3 the palette is still one of my close second favorites somehow! If greens are your thing, definitely give this palette a try!

150 Desert Fantasy: I thought I was going to prefer this palette over 85 Gutsy Green above but it turns out to be, dare I say, too exotic. The matte black aka soot liner is a total bummer, and yet this palette as a whole is still among my close seconds along with 85 Gutsy Green.

From left to right:
- Base/highlighter: semi metallic and high intensity (dry), metallic and high intensity (wet). A semi metallic beige suede that becomes fully metallic when used wet, gaining a slight gold tint.
- Lid: metallic and high intensity (dry and wet). I was hoping for tumeric yellow but it turns out to be more mustard yellow. It's still very pretty, though harder for me to wear.
- Medium/crease: metallic and medium intensity (dry), high intensity (wet). A gorgeous gilded fatigue green that's intensely metallic with a prominent gold sheen when used wet.
- Liner: matte and high intensity (dry and wet). No description necessary, which makes this shade that much more of a bummer.

See my previous posts:
Maybelline Eye Studio Color Plush Silk Eyeshadow
Maybelline Eye Studio Color Plush Silk Eyeshadow Part II

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