
Saturday, September 12, 2015

I love za Daiso! Part II

When hubby and I moved away from SF, I was very sad. Because that meant I wouldn't be able to just spend my afternoon browsing through the shelves at the Japantown Daiso anymore. Being in Japan makes me very happy, because I'm back in the land of the za Daiso ^.^

No no, I don't go crazy hoarding dollar-store crap. Anyone who knows anything will tell you that there are gems to be found at the dollar store (or the consignment store, etc.), but I digress. I mean, we only hoard good stuff, right? :P

Like these adorable printed masking tapes and fabric tapes from the SF Japantown Daiso, which I use to label gifts, decorating envelops, etc.

Same with these adorable sticky notes, which become labels for my many tea canisters, etc.

Technically, these are the Japanese version of the Chinese red envelopes, which means I'm supposed to put money in them. But instead, I put letters and notes and send them to my unwitting friends. Is that terrible of me or what? xD

How come pretty sticky notes like these weren't around when I was in high school or college? I would have totally studied a whole lot harder. No, really.

At home I have a whole secretary desk devoted to cute stationery. I didn't bring any with me of course, because I'm going to Daiso country, why else? Perfect excuse to get more. Because I need them.

I have to admit I've been exercising enormous self-restraint for the past month. Despite several trips to Daiso, these were all I allowed myself to buy. They're legitimate note cards with matching envelopes, and by legitimate I mean they're not the kind you're supposed to put money in. Freakin' adorable!

Another reason to love Daiso: gorgeous 100% porcelain dishware made in Japan. That's right, folks, made in Japan.

See my previous I love za Daiso post.

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