
Friday, October 30, 2015

Nivea Premium Body Serum

So it's the end of October and the humidity is pretty much gone, which means I'm turning back into an alligator and must find an effective moisturizer to keep my human skin until some humidity returns (hates it...but needs it...urgh). Comes Nivea Premium Body Serum which I stumbled upon completely by chance. There was only one kind in the 120mL purple bottle, so I picked it up along with Oshima Tsubaki Hair Water and ABS Tsubaki Abura 100% Camellia Oil (posting next).

This is an emulsion-to-oil formula, and it comes out of the bottle a light emulsion, almost gel-like. But slather this stuff on dry skin and you'll regret it (tried it, regretted it), because it'll turn into a thick oil and you will feel like you've just applied cork grease for the next hour or so until it absorbs. This stuff is best used right after a shower, when the skin is still damp, if not wet. Somehow, the remaining water on the skin helps with fast absorption and seals in the moisture.

I actually love this stuff more on hubby than myself, because unfortunately it's not moisturizing enough for me but works wonders for him, making him baby soft! No, really! The added bonus, just my humble opinion, is its soothing but gender-neutral scent, not overly masculine (hate) or feminine (doubly hate). The result is a super cuddly hubby (or wifey, or partner...) who's soft and smells like a baby. So much win here. Will definitely stock up for hubby.

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