
Monday, October 19, 2015

The Art of Gundam Exhibition (Picture heavy!), Roppongi, Tokyo

So...I suspect this post might be boring if you're not a Gundam fan. Hubby and I aren't fans either, but we heard great things about this Art of Gundam Exhibition at the Mori Art Museum on the 53rd floor of the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, and having free tickets helped. And so we went to see it on a Friday night towards the end of Silver Week.

Right away these silver and gold figures of Gundam greeted from inside their glass display case. Those are solid silver and gold, and the gold one cost a ridiculous $30K or something like that. Nuts.

By the way, this is *not* the whole exhibition but only the very last of it, which unfortunately included these somewhat cheesy plastic models with lights shining on them. I don't have photos of the rest, because cameras weren't allowed until this final room.

Here are the less cheesy colored illustrations.

And finally these pen/pencil sketches are just super duper cool!

Here's a brochure we received from the exhibition.

The entire(?) lineup.

This is a total gimmick, but it was so hilarious I bought it for fun. We've been scaring our friends with how gigantic these strawberry pockies are LOL!

After leaving the exhibition, we opted to spend an extra 500yen/person to go to the roof of the building. If you're wondering how big and dense Tokyo is, here's your answer. Having goosebumps yet? And these photos are *not* encompassing. There were areas I didn't take photos of because I couldn't sneak through the crowd in that spot. For example, no picture of the Tokyo Skytree, because everyone was camping out right there. I guess they were all waiting for the sunset to see the Skytree lit.

Here's looking towards Hamamatsucho, with Tokyo Tower yet lit up.


No idea which directions I'm looking at here. Will ask hubby since he's less directional-challenged than I am :P

On our way out, we saw this beer festival and was a tad surprised since it wasn't quite October yet.

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