
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Organic Rose Moisture Emulsion

Been using this 145mL bottle of Organic Rose Moisture Emulsion at night as the very first step of skincare. In effect, I'm using it as a toner/skin conditioner.

The emulsion is mildly scented with rose. It comes out of the bottle an opaque thick lotion, but as soon as I spread it onto my skin it melts to a thin and runny milk. It's much more substantial than your average viscous lotion (toner), which is why I'm using it at night. I do like it a lot! It does exactly what I want it to do, which is to provide me with some much needed moisture. I'm actually feeling confident it will get me through the dry winter okay! If all goes well, I'll get a backup for home ^.^


  1. Still a top choice for you? It sounds really nice.

  2. Hi kuri,

    Yes! I still like this milk a lot, although I really like the Tabibijin milk I'm using right now too (just posted on it!). We'll see, before I leave Tokyo I'll probably stock up on both ^.^


  3. Heh, cool. Yeah, just read the tabibijin review!
