
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Suqqu 2015 Christmas Makeup Kit A

When these Suqqu 2015 Christmas Makeup Kits went on display last fall, I went to swatch them (...and forgot to take photos of and post the swatches, sorry!). Kit A has Eye Color Palette EX-03 碧茶織 (Aosaori), and Kit B has EX-04 紫蘇織 (Shisouori). Both kits share the same Gel Eyeliner Pencil EX-02, 50mL/1.7fl oz. bottle of Eye Makeup Remover R, and tweed pouch.

When I saw the eye shadows in person, I leaned towards Kit B because of that gorgeous plummy maroon. Then I swatched the testers and decided Kit A was definitely a better choice. Will elaborate below.

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Honestly, from promotion photos I wasn't too thrilled with either kits. I totally see why people were disappointed that the kit came with the eye makeup remover, a total cop-out in my humble opinion. The tweed pouch is ugly too, sorry to say, but whatever, I care more for the eye shadows and the eye liner, both of which are really nice.

So, the Eye Color Palette. Why did I change my mind, going for EX-03 碧茶織 (Aosaori) when I was initially drawn to EX-04 紫蘇織 (Shisouori)?

Well, remember EX-01 紅掛空 (Benikakesora) and EX-02 夜彩空 (Yosaizora) released last summer? Like those in the regular lineup, EX-01 and EX-02 both had one deep color, one lid or medium color, and a sparkling top wash. EX-04 was more of the same, unfortunately. That plummy maroon was gorgeous, but that middle pan was definitely a lid shade, i.e. little color, and the top pan was a sparkly top wash, which meant barely any color at all, and dry and gritty to the touch on top of that.

- EX-03 碧茶織 (Aosaori): Meanwhile, all 3 pans in this trio show up well on my skin, and all are buttery smooth and rather pigmented. That top pan is actually a lid shade and the middle pan a medium crease shade. The two marbling colors in the bottom pan are such that I can pick them up separately with a pencil brush, so I'm getting 4 colors with this trio. The choice is obvious now, isn't it? I really wish I'd taken the swatch photos for both trios to show you the difference. Gah! The thought did cross my mind that I could get both kits, but why should I pay 8,000JPY for just one pan of color in Kit B, and worse to get the same eye liner and eye makeup remover as in Kit A? Nope.

- Top: lid shade, shimmer, medium intensity. A golden champagne that's very shimmery, yes, but not sparkly in a way a top wash is. It makes a gorgeous wash all over the lids and on lazy days, I find myself just wearing this shade, then smudge my lash lines with the middle pan. Done.
- Center: medium crease, shimmer, high intensity. A very pigmented bronze brown with gold shimmers. In the pan, it looks like it would lean warm but is neutral on me.
- Bottom: medium crease and/or liner, shimmer, high intensity. This pan is a marbling of 2 colors, one appears to be a faded eggplant in the pan but swatches more of a tawny plum, and the other a smoky turquoise. Both colors blend together to make a purple-tinged navy. I'm totally thrilled that I can pick up both colors separately.

- Gel Eyeliner Pencil EX-02: a pretty matte navy with scattered royal blue shimmers that don't really show, see swatches above. This eye liner knocks my socks off! It's buttery and creamy, pigmented, and wouldn't come off LOL! The first time when I swatched it in the store, I was kind of at a loss because I couldn't wipe it off with my tissue. The gal behind the counter giggled before giving me a special remover.

This is the same swatch as above--notice that the eye shadows are all gone. Yup, it wouldn't come off with my oil cleanser and in the end, I had to scrape it off with my nails. As much as I'm impressed with it, I'm kind of scared to wear it. How will I get it off of my lash line? I don't want to have to buy a remover from Suqqu just for one eye liner!

Here's the eye makeup remover everyone poo-pooed. I haven't tried it yet, so I'll review it later when I do. Perhaps this is the remover meant for the eye liner? But when I was at the store, the gal there gave me something else that was more like a cream. Very confused...

The tweed pouch is ugly no matter how I look at it. Urgh.

Frame Fix Liquid Foundation N 102 SPF30 freebie sample. I wonder why I keep getting samples of foundation, tinted moisturizers, makeup base, etc. from all 3 brands Lunasol, Addiction, and Suqqu, especially when I don't use any of them! Could it be they're among the bestsellers? Could it be the opposite, that they don't sell at all and so the brands keep pushing them? Could it be they're all trying to tell me my skin sucks and I should cover it up? No idea!

See my previous Suqqu Eye Color Palette post.


  1. I ditched this collection altogether because I just hate the idea being force-fed the eyeliner (too little lid space to use it), remover and pouch...Anyway, I guess I am not missing out that much since the color theme is really similar to kakitsubata anyway. And I found it funny that now the weather is warming up, sakurakaba looks much more rosegold that it was bronze-rose....

    Oh, I think my suqqu dealer just stopped buying new ones now (i guess the winter stock didn't sell well). Well, I guess no glamour shot og hanamizuki with cherry blossoms background(I am really relieved actually)...

  2. Hey Citrine,

    Yeah, I was pretty resentful when I bought this kit too, because I'd much rather have a makeup item than some thrown-in eye makeup remover, not to mention that the featured item's a trio and not even the quad or quint. I do like that the colors show up pretty well, but otherwise I feel force-fed too.


  3. Pretty! I haven't tried Suqqu's liner but since I love Addiction's and THREE's I think I'd like Suqqu's.

  4. Hi kuri,

    I just picked up several of Three's eyeliners too! Can't wait to get to them!

