
Friday, May 27, 2016

Koyudo Brushes Part IX

Along with the Chikuhodo wide eyebrow brushes, I also bought a few more smaller brows brushes from Koyudo.

In this batch: Black Angle Brow Brush, BP045, and C013.

These aren't as life-changing as their wider counterparts but I still like them better than the smaller brushes. I guess this whole time, I've been going about it all wrong when it comes to eyebrow brushes. Who'd have thunk that when it comes to my thin and patchy eyebrows, wider brushes are better than smaller ones?

- Black Angle Brow Brush Prairie Dog, 2,160JPY: yet a third pleasant surprise from my eyebrow brush order. This brush is actually softer than all three of its siblings, the Large, Medium, and Small Shaders, even though all are of prairie dog hair. How interesting is that? May be the flat top makes a huge difference over the finely tapered tips, I don't know!

Either way, this brush is excellent for correcting/erasing as well as dabbing/filling in spots that the Chikuhodo T9 can't get to being so smudgy and unruly. So yes, I use this brush as a pair with the T9.

After washing, I noticed that this brush isn't slanting in a straight line but is slightly concave. That said, given the brushes are handmade it might just be this brush. This slight concavity actually helps the brush do a better job, especially with dabbing/filling in.

- BP045 Badger Parmi, 2,640JPY: I own the smaller version of this brush, the BP046 and so I picked this up for comparison. What do you know I do prefer it over the smaller BP046, but with the wide brushes I rarely touch either of them.


Of course I have to compare BP045 and BP046 ^.^

- C013 Badger Parmi, 1,920JPY: honestly, I don't know why I bought this brush ^.^" It looks and feels identical to the BP045 above and they're even similar in size. I might give it to my sister since she uses a brow powder everyday but uses a sponge applicator to draw her brows. She's indifferent about brushes and said she doesn't need or care for them. I'll see if I can convert her :P The right tool makes a whole world of difference so I have a lot of confidence I can make her a believer!


See my previous posts:
- My Favorite Koyudo Brushes (as of February 2015)