
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Lunasol Summer Kit 2016 Eye Shadow Swatches

I was super excited about this Lunasol Summer Kit 2016, much so I purposely stayed far, far the hell away from any cosmetic counter. I know what kind of damages I'm capable of, so it's just best to keep off.

Why am I so excited about this kit? Because of this Three-Dimensional Eyes EX02 Clear Beige palette, of course! I'm a fan of these Three-Dimensional Eyes so this got me hopeful.

***Screencaps from Lunasol JP.

All pictures taken in indoor lighting without flash. Clickable = zoomable.

The texture and pigmentation is excellent as expected. But let's just say I'm a lot less excited now that I've seen the palette in person and swatched it. In short, this EX02 Clear Beige palette recycles 01 Neutral Beige and 04 Cool Beige into one. To me this is sad news--I already have both and it just doesn't make sense to own a third that's a blend of the first two :(

01 Neutral Beige and 04 Cool Beige. Both photos taken in natural light without flash. EX02 Clear Beige is more neutral, bronzy, and taupey than 01, but not as blackened as 04. If you mix the bottom 2 pans of 01 and 04 together, I'd bet you get the bottom 2 pans of EX02!

Anyway, back to EX02. The top half of the palette is pretty much highlighter/base. Even the lid shade at top right almost disappears on the back of my hand. Do you see any color at far right there? I barely did in person!

The bottom left shade is the biggest surprise. In the pan, it looks like there wouldn't be much color at all. Then I swatched it and--woah--where did this semi-metallic bronzy taupe come from? It's an entirely different color! Did it just bait-and-switch me?

But even then, this bottom left pan is problematic: it's almost indistinguishable from the bottom right pan. The whole bottom row of the palette is the same bronzy taupe color, albeit with different textures and finishes, going from glistening semi-metallic (far left), to lustrous (second left), to shimmery (second right), to super sparkly with a wet finish (far right). Is the color beautiful or what? Yes, it's gorgeous! But I don't need 4 different versions of it. Sadly, this Summer Kit is a pass for me :(

But hey, I'm not too heartbroken. The Lunasol fall collection looks mighty tempting with the Feathery Smoky Eyes! ^.^


  1. I like the colors and all (though I can't tell that much of a difference in the split pans). Kits like this are usually no-go since I am 100% that I won't use the other three items in the set (and have no use for an extra pouch).

  2. Hey Citrine,

    Yeah. I'm glad I'm skipping this kit. I've stopped using glosses and while the loose powder is nice, I prefer one with SPF. So it's 8,000yen for a palette and an eye liner :(

