
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Lipstick Queen Butterfly Ball Lipsticks

Ironically, the very first Lipstick Queen Butterfly Ball Lipstick I bought individually and not in a set is also the very last one I'll buy. That's because the color Goodbye is the only one I'm missing in the whole Butterfly Ball range, unless there's a discontinued color I don't know of :)

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Let's see, I got Float from 2 different sets, Butterfly Kisses and Hall of Fame, Fly was from the most recent Lip Nouveau, Goodbye I'm reviewing below, Moment was from the Butterfly Kisses set, Sigh was from Chic in Three Shades, Smitten was from Lipstick Library Volume 2 - Look of Love, and Trance was from the Spring Fling set. So there you have them!

- Goodbye: described as wine on the website but I think this is actually blackberry. Sure, it swatched plummier on the back of my hand, but look at my bare faced lip swatches below--it's definitely blackberry on my lips. Versus the Bete Noire line that claims to be blackberry but turns out to be wine on me. Funny how that works, and funnier is that I ended up preferring the wine from Bete Noire to this blackberry. Ha. Still, this is a pretty color and I'll continue to wear it, but it's not as flattering on me as Bete Noire is.


  1. The haircut is cute! I think I like the idea of blackberry but maybe completely without shimmer...

  2. Hi Citrine,

    Thanks :) But haircut is only cute in picture from a certain angle and not that cute in real life. Bummer. Can't wait for my hair to grow longer again.

    Exactly, it's the turquoise shimmers that make this blackberry *less* flattering on me. I think it would have been much nicer shimmer-free, which is why I'm looking into Saint Wine and Addiction Lipstick Sheer, both are shimmer-free.

