
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Meiji Jingu, Shibuya, Tokyo, Part II

It's been a while since hubby and I last saw Meiji Jingu, since 2010 when my sister and brother visited us in Yokohama! So we took mum and aunt-in-law there when they were here, and joining us was mum-in-law's old college roommate, Mrs. H.

Harajuku Station on a cloudy, cool day.

We pretty much just walked in, strolled around, taking photos, and came back out ^.^

It was nice to have Mrs. H join us as she was able to explain a lot of the cultural details to mum and aunt in law that we otherwise wouldn't even know.

It was fairly crowded that day, being the tail-end of the sakura season in early April.

And wow, it must have been wedding season because encountered three different Shinto wedding processions (below) and saw at least another three pairs of bride and groom wandering around in their wedding kimonos!

And there was an ikebana display also!

And then there was some kind of ceremony went on inside the shrine which tourists weren't allowed in. But I caught sight of the priest leaving afterwards.

The whole stroll lasted for about 2 hours which wasn't bad, and we didn't explore much. May be we should have but the whole point was for mum and aunt-in-law to catch up with their old friend.

See my previous Meiji Jingu post.

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