
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Three Mesmerizing Performance Eyeliner Pencil Swatches

After swatching the 2016 winter LE Addiction The Eyeshadows, I also popped over to the Three counter to check out the full lineup of Mesmerizing Performance Eyeliner Pencils. I'd already swatched the first three LE colors, so I didn't touch them again. 

Here are the colors and their cryptic names.
***Screencap from Three Cosmetics JP. All other photos taken in indoor lighting without flash.

Sadly, my humble opinion is that the full lineup is just as underwhelming and meh as the first three LE colors *sniffs* :(

Texture wise they're very soft, almost too mushy for my taste. They'd have to be soft enough to be spread with a brush tip after all (versus the rubber smudge tip in the Flash Performance Pencils). Suffice to say I'm terribly disappointed, but hey, this isn't the first time something great got replaced with something else not so great. I guess that's just how it goes with the Japanese cosmetics market. They're constantly trying new things and sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Anyway, after I posted the first three LE swatches and complained about their names, a reader pointed out what she thought those three names might mean (thanks, Kuri!):
- 01 MJ:We Love You = Michael Jackson, a tribute to the King of Pop, probably.
- 02 AW:A Sense of Selfie = referencing a blog post from Sotheby's titled "A Sense of Self - Warhol and Munch" dated November 20, 2013.
- 03 JMB:Samo = Jean-Michel Basquiat was part of a graffiti duo SAMO.

Following her lead, I started googling and deciphered several others, though I'm still stumped on a few, they being too generic. I still think the names are pretentious, especially when the eyeliners are meh and the colors are nothing particularly "artsy" to say the least, but solving their name puzzles was fun. So if you have any idea, please do chime in!

Direct shots clear (top) and blurry (bottom).

From left to right:
- 04 IP:Rise and Shine = no idea what the name means, but this is a metallic pastel pink, totally flat and boring in comparison to 01 Eye Love. I'd didn't know what to do with 01 Eye Love at first, but now I'm actually glad I have it!

- 05 FM:Killer Queen = Freddie Mercury's song Killer Queen as part of the band Queen. A metallic peach-beige and possibly the only color with somewhat interesting and multi-dimensional sparkles in the whole lineup. May be I'll pick up this color.

- 06 TY:The Art of Noise = not sure about this one, but the Art of Noise/The Art of Noise is an English avant-garde synthpop group, and perhaps TY = Thank You? A blackened taupe.

- 07 JM:Light My Fire = Jim Morrison co-written the song Light My Fire with Robby Krieger as part of the band The Doors. Blackened bronze.

- 08 DB:The Gouster = David Bowie's previously unreleased album The Gouster was just released late last week! Deep wine.

- 09 JL:Little Prince = perhaps referring to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novella The Little Prince? No clue what JL stands for. A navy.

- 10 JL:Flowers of Romance = no clue here either. Matte black with scattered floating shimmers that don't really show.

Angled shots clear (top) and blurry (bottom)

Not sure how they'll ever win me over after the Flash Performance Pencils' spectacular sparkles and metallic finishes :( Seriously, as soon as I swatched them, both J. and I were like, WANTS. ALL. NOW. (Well, except for the last matte black.) Compare that to when I swatched the Mesmerizing Pencils and thought, ehhh, not impressed. Le sigh.


  1. Came here because I was googling swatches of these. I think in each shade's name, the first 2 are the initials of a musician. IP being Iggy Pop, JL being John Lennon, etc.

  2. Hi PJ T!

    Thanks for reading and commenting and solving the mystery of these names! I'm not so cultured in music, as you can tell ^.^"

    Thank you again!
