
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Tokyo Eats - Tokyo Station Part II

Since discovering the Kitte building in the spring, I've been bringing hubby, friends, and visiting family back again and again. Of course, Tokyo Station is huge and this is just a tiny sliver of it, I'm just slow to explore, that's all :P

This is the inside of that red dome. Pretty, huh?

More from the Kitte Building, because I go here a lot. I still have a couple of photos of the Christmas display from last year!

Marunouchi Cafe Kai on 1st floor had some yummy seasonal offering, like the honey nuts truffle latte and the sakura dessert.

My usual faves. Once I branched out and tried their sandwiches and salad, but both were meh. Definitely sticking with lattes and desserts going forward.

For my last lunch date with A., I took her here for more lattes and desserts. We ended up sitting and chatting the entire afternoon away, until it was early evening and she had to go home. Good times, folks. Good times.

Another one of my favorite store in this building is the Marunouchi Reading Style on 4th floor, mainly because of this gigantic shelf of ceramic tea pots and cups in myriads of colors.

There are two different sizes of pots, small (top row) and medium (bottom row). I had my eyes on these 4 gorgeous colors but in the end decided against all of them. Why? Because they all had dark glazing inside, which I hate. I'm a bit of a clean freak and hate not being able to see how clean (or dirty) my tea pots are inside. On that logic I bought a small pot in a pretty sunny yellow, because the inside was white, which makes washing and cleaning super easy :D Do love the texture on that bronze medium pot though. Too bad.

And guess what! From this very store, I discovered a new brand of brush -- Eihodo (永豊堂). If this name sounds familiar to you, that's because CDJapan started carrying Eihodo products just this past August

And if these red brushes look familiar to you, that's because they're identical to the Chikuhodo Artist Series Red, down to the shape of the brush heads, sometimes the hair, and even the naming system too! Interesting, hmm? Eihodo's selection isn't as big as Chikuhodo's though. And no, I didn't buy any.

This store actually carries a mishmash of things and is really fun to browse.

The art of paper cut-outs!

Still frequenting Nemuro Hanamaru Kaitenzushi on 5th floor to get our sushi fix. The funniest thing happened when my family visited last December: hubby picked up one of these shirako (白子) and popped it into his mouth. As he was chewing, I asked, do you know what you just ate? He shook his head, still chewing away. I told him what it was as he was swallowing it, and the face he made was priceless. Yes, I'm mean like that. But hey, he picked it up and ate it without looking up what it was. Not my fault.

The damage from 6 people!

The Tokia Marunouchi is another building connected to Kitte underground, and yes, there's a great food here too! One of them is Kiji Okonomiyaki. The two types of food from Kansai I miss most are udon and okonomiyaki--they just don't taste the same at all here in Tokyo! So to have found Kiji hailing from Osaka, we were ecstatic.

The verdict? Very good, though still not Osaka-good, which is an unfair comparison, I know. Okonomiyaki is a specialty of Osaka, so nothing compares, really. In August, hubby and I spent a long weekend in Kyoto with friends, and even there the okonomi was better than here in Tokyo. Le sigh.

But back to Kiji. Their specialty is beef tendon yaki, but I actually prefer the modan-yaki version. Sooo good! For the regular okonomi I like their mixed one best, and the 5-toppings (gomoku) yakisoba is delicious too.

At right is the kimchee plate, consisted of kimchee shredded squid, cabbage kimchee, and fish gut kimchee. Pretty tasty!

We also tried a potato and cheese okonomiyaki and the sukiyaki udon. They were alright. Stick to the specialties above.

One of hubby's old clients recommended Dhaba India, a southern Indian restaurant in the area. Having been eating northern Indian food this whole time, we were game to try.

...And quickly learned we actually very much prefer northern Indian food. As for Dhaba's food, it was good, but also extremely very heavy and greasy. See our empty plates full of grease below. Ick. The worst part was that our food came out lukewarm, which only encourages the greasing and separation. The place was packed full, so no doubt it was popular, but we never came back. 

I think this was the greasiest Indian food we've ever had!

When my brother visited  a couple of weeks ago, we took him to his underground mall just to stroll around and get lost. It was like a maze down there! Here's funny coffee shop. I'm actually not sure if the misspelling was intentional :) And these "body bags" too, a little small I might say... ^.^

There was a temporary flagship shop of Sumikkogurashi, literally "corner-living," a cute way to make fun of how most Japanese folks like to wedge themselves into a secure corner wherever they're at. This is a series of new San-X characters, which explains why that was the very first time I'd seen them. They sure were cute as hell! You can read more about the characters here and here.

See my previous Tokyo Eats - Tokyo Station post.

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