
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Octo Medicated Shampoo and Rinse

The last time I hung out with my friend A. at Tokyo Station, we went inside the Kitte Building to window shop. While browsing, I spotted an interesting looking pair of shampoo and conditioner. As I was about to buy them, A. stopped me and recommended a drugstore brand instead, Octo Medicated Shampoo and Rinse.

A. said a family friend who does marketing research for some cosmetic company recommended these to her, and upon trying she loved how light and soft they made her hair. Even better was since using them, she only needed to shampoo every other day. So I went home and looked them up, and wow, they're super affordable indeed, each 320mL bottle cost all of 534yen plus tax! So I bought a pair and brought them home with me to try.

This is really a "medicated" anti-dandruff shampoo that also helps with fungal infection and itchy scalp. The name "Octo" is taken from its main ingredient: Octopirox, a replacement for zinc pyrithione, the main ingredient in most US anti-dandruff shampoos like Head & Shoulders that can trigger a reaction in some people.

Both the Octo shampoo and rinse are pale lime green in color. The shampoo has an herbal scent and the rinse has the same herbal scent with a slight citrus edge. The shampoo lathers well, and the rinse is thin and more watery than your average conditioner.

Hubby tried the shampoo by itself once, skipping conditioner and his hair was significantly drier the next day, so I think these are supposed to be used as a pair.

Either way, I think the pair works better for his fine blond Caucasian hair than my thick, dark, and straight Asian hair. Hubby's hair is now soft and smooth, while mine is a touch oily the next day. I think it's also worth noting that my friend A. who made this recommendation is Middle Eastern but is fair-skinned with fine strawberry blond hair too.

So far, there are only two shampoos and conditioners that have worked equal magic for both hubby and my hair: Ichikami Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner (in peach/orange bottles) and Tsubaki Oil Nouveau 2015 Winter Limited Shampoo and Conditioner (a damn shame it's LE!).


  1. Was meh for me too! Maybe DH would like it.

  2. Hi Claire,

    It's not terrible for me, just doesn't work as well as it does for hubby. I'm thinking it's the hair type?

