
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Nanzen-ji, Kyoto, Kyoto, Part II

Here's a quick detour to Tenju-an, a sub-temple at Nanzen-ji. The original Tenju-an's completion date was 1337, but it was burned down some 110 years later along with most of Nanzen-ji in a great fire of 1447. 

We actually didn't get to go inside. Instead, we walked around to the rock garden on the east and the pond gardens at the south.

Here's the eastern rock garden. See those mossy stone paths with square and diamond stone steps? Those are the only remnants of the original temples from 1337.

Going back to the southern garden with the pond now. Apparently visitors could go up to these buildings and see the paintings hung on the wall inside, but for some reason when we were there the way in were blocked :( So we only wandered around gorgeous garden itself, which was aesthetically satisfying enough. 

See that stone path there? It was blocked and we couldn't get any closer to view the paintings inside.

Kois and mini bamboo grove.

Look at this lovely stone bridge. Again, no access though :(

Stone lantern.

A water fountain and an oddly warped pine tree.

Read more about Tenju-an and see more photos here, here, here, here, and here. Next up, Nanzen-ji's Hojo (方丈, head monk's quarter) and beyond. 

See my previous Nanzen-ji, Kyoto, Kyoto post.

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