
Friday, March 3, 2017

Taipei Eats - Yongkang Street area Part III (永康街)

On our second day in Taipei, hubby and I wandered around Yongkang Street (永康街) and snacking through brunch. We'd planned a hotpot dinner with J. that evening you see, so we were trying to be strategic.

First, we made a quick stop at Coco's for some juice ^.^ The menu below is actually for the Guting (古亭) branch right outside of Guting Station. I picked it up on a different day when we brought J. by our old haunts near Guting Station. Back in the fall-winter of 2012, we were living there on Heping East Road for 3+ months while I was enrolled in a Mandarin language program to brush up my rusty Chinese.

Did we finish all that at once? Nope. But it was really nice to have something yummy to snack on back at the hotel ^.^

After Coco, we went for some soup dumplings, that was, xiaolongbao (小籠包) and not tangbao (湯包) at Hao Gong Dao's Shop (好公道的店), formerly known as Golden Chicken Garden (金雞園).

I'm happy to report everything was as yummy as we remembered. We didn't stuff ourselves silly, because there was a third destination we were aiming for after soup dumplings.

That's right, Smoothie House ^.^ Since we were there last, the shop had expanded into yet a third branch all within a block of each other, two on Yongkang and the third on Lishui Street (麗水街)!

Hubby and I picked the second floor location on Yongkang with the shortest line, just about 15 minutes.

We ordered our old favorite to share, the Fruits Mix Mango Snowflake Ice with Panna Cotta. Although it was a tad sweeter than I remember, it was still yummy. Can't complain.

See my previous posts:

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