
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Origins Comfort Mood Whipped Vanilla Body Souffle

Oh man, on one hand March has been a really rough month for our little family so I'm glad it's over. On the other hand, I do realize I've posted all of one post so far, which leaves me even more so behind with pictures and reviews and I already am =.= There are times this blog feels like a never ending marathon and I just want to throw my hands up--I won't, but I'd be lying if I said the thought hasn't crossed my head. It has, and many times.

Anyway, moving on. For the past couple of months, I've been struggling to use up two of these 200mL/6.7oz jars of Origins Comfort Mood Whipped Vanilla Body Souffle, or rather 1.5 jars since the first arrived with its lid popped open inside the box and lost about half of its content. Origins then sent me a new jar as replacement when really I should have just asked for a refund.

Don't get me wrong. I still love this fluffy souffle texture. I just can't stand this particular scent. It's supposed to be vanilla but instead smells like birthday cake, sugary and deathly cloying. As you can see below, it even looks like cake batter in the jar. The first time I put some on I literally gagged. I'd much rather slather on real cake batter, or better yet, frosting. Urgh.

Over time, I've grown somewhat used to the scent, but still I hate it. As much as I love the texture I won't be going near this scent again, ever. Even if they paid me to I wouldn't use it. What were they thinking there at Origins to be so heavy-handed with this? Do not recommend.

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