
Monday, October 24, 2016

Afternoon Tea at the Lobby Lounge, Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo Part II

After the failed afternoon tea at Piacere, my friends and I agreed we'd give the Lobby Lounge Shangri-La Hotel one more try. So when J. had friends visiting, we took them back here. Thankfully, they didn't mess up this time and we got seated where we should be :)

What do you know, this tea set was completely different than the last one we had with mum and aunt-in-law when they were visiting!

The savories were a trio of sandwiches and a quiche. They were yummy, though I wish they used wheat or whole grain bread for them all.

The scones were the only thing hubby and I recognized from our last session, and we didn't really like either unfortunately.

The sweets were our favorite this time around, versus the last time we liked the savories best. Over all, I'm glad our group got to try, but we decided it was time to move on to a different location.

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