
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Addiction Color Chic Eye Liner Swatches

So... you might noticed the name of my blog has changed yet again. It's because, well, hubby and I are no longer in Tokyo. We've moved (yet again) home to the US of A for now, and I say "for now" because every time I think "for good," I've been wrong.

This means these Addiction Color Chic Eye Liner swatches are the last of the spy photos for a while :( I really liked being able to go out there and see the stuff in person, and not having to pay marked-up prices was nice. But oh well, I'm still a good 5-6 months behind on photos, so by my estimate Japan-related posts will be forthcoming well into next year ^.^"

***Screencaps from Addiction JP.

These Color Chic Eye Liners are from the 2016 winter collection, though the last few times I was at the counter, all my attention went to the Eyeshadows' LE shades instead. So before I left Japan, I thought I'd take a look at the liners before I regret it.

Colors from top to bottom, photos taken in indoor lighting without flash:
- 01 Midnight Sun
- 02 North Star
- 03 Secret Night
- 04 Blue Moon
- 05 Bedroom Eyes
- 06 Alice
- 07 Lady of the Lake
- 08 Dancer in the Dark

Well, there's no regret, but there's no buying either. I passed on them all. The colors just didn't call out to me in the least.

Direct shots going from clear to blurry to very blurry.

- 01 Midnight Sun: pretty, but I already have one like it - Hello Kitty Happy Cloud. Not to mention I prefer powder shadows to highlight the inner corners of the eyes to begin with, that or I risk the pencil melting and staining my contact lenses. There's only been a few eyeliners that I could safely use to line my upper lash line.

- 02 North Star: pretty, but I already have a few of the same colors - Stila Smudge Stick Peacock, Pixi Endless Silky 6-True Teal, and Hello Kitty Blue Sky

- 03 Secret Night: has some scattered shimmers that don't show.

- 04-07: I'm mostly drawn to shimmery eyeliners so these four colors didn't interest me at all. They're shimmer-free, at least they appear so to my eyes, but they're actually not entirely matte either. Instead, they have a subtle sheen, almost like a vinyl finish. Meh.

- 08 Dancer in the Dark: I was really tempted to pick this up, but again I already have a few like it - Stila Smudge Stick Moray and Pixi 2nd Star Twinkle.

Angled shots going from clear to blurry to very blurry.


  1. more counter/drugstore swatches.The Lunasol spring 2017 collections looks really nice (even thought it's very much dejavu)look really good...

    I like Alice and Lady of the Lake but I suppose Stila or Urban decay might have something similar?

  2. Yeah :( I'm going to miss doing the spying :(

    I've seen a similar shade to Lady of the Lake (the magenta) from Urban Decay, but a straight up red eyeliner I haven't seen a lot of. In that sense I guess Alice's a unique color, just not my cup of tea that's all.

