
Monday, April 3, 2017

Kokutousei Hakkou E Gel Cream Hydrating Elastic Gel

Hubby has been using the 90g jar of this Kokutousei Hakkou E Gel Cream Hydrating Elastic Gel for a few weeks now and he really likes it. This is a 6-in-1 product, a lotion (toner), milk, essence/serum, cream, pack, and massage-cream all in one. Kokutousei has an English website and you can read more about the whole skincare line there.

I bought this jar in a promotion set that includes a freebie mini 30g jar of the same gel, which I'm saving for future travel. This was among several all-in-1 products I'd stocked up for hubby before leaving Tokyo. He is blessed with normal, tolerant skin, all the while will only ever tolerate one product at a time on his face: a moisturizer at night and a sunscreen in the morning (Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Gel for warmer weather and the Watery Essence version for colder and drier times).

The milky gel behaves more like a non-Newtonian liquid and is cooling to the touch. It has a fresh, gender-neutral scent that both he and I enjoy. He says it feels really nice on his face, especially right after a hot shower.

I tried it a few times myself. While I like how it feels, it's definitely not as moisturizing as the Kuramoto Bijin Hakumai Fermented All-in-One Milk I'm using now. It's definitely inadequate for my dry combination skin the same way Grace One Perfect Gel Cream was. All-in-one products just aren't meant for skin like mine, though if you have normal and tolerant skin like hubby, you might like this.

90g versus 30g

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