
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

DHC Medicated Hand Cream

Yes, it's getting warmer, but I had to bust out this 60g tube of DHC Medicated Hand Cream for the silliest reason.

As you've probably heard, pregnant ladies visit the loo more often than anyone would ever want to. I'm going on 37 weeks now (time flies!) and let's just say washing my hands 40+ times a day in an already super dry climate really takes its toll. My poor cuticles are ragged and bleeding, and my knuckles are all cracked and peeling :( Despite the warmer weather, I need a thick and effective hand cream that does more than just grease up my mitts. 

This unscented medicated hand cream really does the job. It's a thick yellow cream that's more moisturizing than its readily available sibling Olive Hand Cream, only less greasy. Even better is that it actually lasts through a few hand-washes before I feel the need to reapply. Most importantly, it actually heals! Yes, it heals my bleeding cuticles and cracking knuckles, folks, hooray! And for all its wonderful deed it lives on my nightstand.

The only down-side is that it's only available in Japan. That said, I don't feel the need to hoard this cream. I only have a few more weeks to go (no pun intended :P), and this tube will definitely see me through given that I only need to use a tiny dollop the size of my pinky nail each time. If you have severely dry hands, I really recommend this wonderful stuff!


  1. Wow, almost there!
    Get help lined up for after :)

    This cream sounds great - putting on my list for my next visit.

  2. Hi Claire,

    Yup. Fridge and freezer are fully stocked too ^.^

    This hand cream is awesome. It actually reminds me of YuSkin-A in the texture and healing properties. If I run out of this stuff I'll fall back on YuSkin-A.

    How often do you visit Japan?


  3. Heh, that's great!

    My husband and I were just talking yesterday about how awesome YuSkin is. I could do without the camphor smell though :)
    We haven't gone in too long but hopefully we'll be able to go soon. I miss the foooood.

  4. Oh...just the mere mentioning of the food makes me want to cry. How I miss ALL the food!

  5. Hi hi, will be Tokyo this week...staying in Shinjuku area... can share which store to purchase this hand cream?

  6. Hi Amanda,

    I got mine at Matsumoto Kiyoshi but any drugstore will carry this hand cream. It should be anywhere between 500-1,000yen/tube, depending on the store.

    Good luck and have fun!
