
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Coffret D'Or Premium Stay Rouge Comparison Swatches

Just this past March, Coffret D'Or released a brand new line of lipsticks, Purely Stay Rouge currently with 8 colors and 4 more set to be released in June. I've seen the swatches at and they all look sheer and translucent, just like every other Japanese lipstick out there. Bleh. What's the point?

I do wonder whether the new formula is any better than that of Premium Stay Rouge, but the new square tube packaging looks bigger and bulkier for sure.

Packaging: Purely Stay vs. Premium Stay.
***Photo from this Japanese blog.

So that's to say I refrained and didn't indulge. I'm perfectly happy with my current collection of Premium Stay, though these aren't all of them as I've passed on several I don't use to family and friends. I think these are probably on their way out as well now that Coffret D'Or has distracted itself and its target market with the new lippies.

Pink row: PK-289, PK-290, PK-293, PK-299, PK-300, PK-305, and PK-310. All pictures taken in natural light without flash. Click to zoom.

Red row: RD-212, RD-214, RD-215, RD-216, RD-220, and RD-221.

Others: RS-333 and WN-74.

Here they are altogether. Lots of favorites here, particularly PK-289, RD-212, and RD-214. I really want a backup for RD-212 but I know I shouldn't and so I haven't.

See my previous posts:


  1. I don't have that many premium stay (like four total) half of them are too pale for me so I guess I can get one purely stay or soon as adambeauty stock it.

  2. Hey Mina,

    I'll just wait to see your review then ^.^ I feel like they're just going to release similar colors under a new name. Formula change is iffy for me too.

