
Saturday, July 29, 2017

RMK Irresistible Glow Lips Part II

The successes of the initial RMK Irresistible Glow Lips plus the recent W Irresistible Lips 04 Deep Red emboldened me to try two more Glow Lips: 02 Baby Pink and 11 Innocent Pink. I also picked up three other Bright Lips, 03 Coral Red, 06 Natural Rose, and 07 Deep Rose. Will review these next. 

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Well, the honeymoon ends here, unfortunately. The colors names alone, "Baby Pink" and "Innocent Pink," should have been major red flags had I not ignored my intuition. I should have known better and have since passed them both on.

- 02 Baby Pink: appears a pretty coral pink in the tube but is in fact a pale milky pink disaster on my lips. Yuck.

- 11 Innocent Pink: in the tube, the coral with fine golden shimmers gave me brief glimmers of hope until the moment I applied it, at which point it became a pale, shimmery, milky coral. Goddammit. Shimmery and milky? They sure know how to break my heart. Boo. Hiss.

02 Baby Pink and 11 Innocent Pink.

See my previous RMK Irresistible Glow Lips post.

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