
Monday, July 17, 2017

Sofina Makeup Cleansing Oil

My pre-scheduled daily posts have finally ran their course, which means I can't hit pause to squeeze in a review or two whenever time allowed and then resume again, which means posts will be more sporadic going forward. I'll do my best to keep posting as often as I can ^.^

I've had two 20mL sample bottles of Sofina Makeup Cleansing Oil for a while now but had been saving them for travel. And then of course when I did travel, I opted for single-use packets of DHC Mild Touch Cleansing Oil instead, purely for convenience's sake. DHC Mild Touch (discontinued, by the way!) can be used dry or wet, and single-use packets are much easier to store and carry without risks of spilling. Now that the little one's here, hubby and I won't be traveling for a while so I should use up these travel sizes before they get too old and stale.

This Sofina Makeup Cleansing Oil is on the thick side, almost as thick as DHC Deep Cleansing Oil. It's heavily scented, smelling strangely like shampoo. Upon contact with water, it becomes slippery as if is about to foam but never does foam. Very odd. This slipperiness confuses me for the first few uses until I got used to it. Good thing it does rinse clean and does a good job removing sunscreen and whatnot. Glad to try it but will move on.

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