
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Cow Brand Mutenka Additive-Free Cleansing Oil

Been using this 150mL pump bottle of Cow Brand Mutenka (Additive-Free) Cleansing Oil so here's a quick review.

This is one of the few cleansing oils I've used with close to perfect texture. It's not oily, and there's no weird cushy feel like FANCL. It rinses clean but isn't drying, and it's unscented. I'm not to repurchase though, because I actually like the Astalift Makeup Remover Oil better and I have a full size bottle of that to look forward to.


  1. Maybe I should try this. I use their cleansing milk in winter (like, now) and Softymo's cleasing oil in the warmer seasons.

    By the way, how are you? How's the baby??

  2. Hi Julia!

    How are you?

    Baby and I are doing well. Do you use instagram? What's your insta handle?

    Oh, may be I ought to try their cleansing milk too! I do recommend this cleansing oil--I think it's milder than Softymo's. Let me know if you like it.


  3. I'm good, just finished my second-to-last semester of this degree from hell. One more to go and "only" the master's thesis to write...

    I'm not on Instagram, actually! I'm afraid it would use up all my time and cellphone data. I'm trying to read more "real" books instead of browsing online.

  4. Oh wow. May I ask what you're studying? がんばってね! You're almost there!

    I deleted my FB account for the same reason actually, plus all the negativity and the spread of misinformation. So now I'm only using Instagram to keep in touch with friends and spy on my favorite makeup brands ^.^" I only post pictures of the baby once a month or so.

    Take care,

  5. Thank you! I went back to Waseda to finish my M.A. in Applied Linguistics I started and quit in 2013. ^^; It's pretty interesting, but this semester was a little too rough, on everyone in the program, weirdly.

    Yeah, I need to spend less time on FB as well, even though I try to only follow Harry Potter and turtle sites, I'm being bombarded with messages that aren't good for my mental health, and I see sides of friends I didn't need.
    Maybe Instagram is a nicer world, but I also don't want to compare my real life to people's carefully chosen content, and I know I probably would even though my brain knows I shouldn't. But I'd love to see your accont! Ah, what to do in this digital day and age...

    Please take care as well!

  6. Thanks Julia ^.^

    Wish you the best of luck on your thesis!

    As for Insta, that's why the majority of the sites I follow are makeup brands LOL!!!


  7. Thank you very much!!

    I might have to rethink my stance on Instagram, then...

  8. Hi Julia

    Forgot to mention that I think Applied Linguistics is super interesting. What will you write your thesis on? Will you write it in English or Japanese? Sorry, don't mind my curiosity :)


  9. No, I'm really grateful that you take such an interest to it! My topic is motivation and pronunciation and how they possible influence each other. I borrowed some Japanese students and gave them tools to improve some consonants they struggle with (like l and r) and surveyed them on their motivation. They were also supposed to listen to some songs at home, but oh well. I can write the thesis in English, thankfully, or I'd be crying every day until I'm done.

  10. Wow, that's SO interesting! Will the thesis be publicly available after you're finished? Some schools do that, right? I know others only make dissertations available and not master's thesis. Either way, I'd love to hear more, serious!

    Go Julia! You can do it!


  11. I don't know, actually. My professor wants us publish part of our theses in journals, though. So far, the results are pretty slim, though.

  12. I see. Hang in there! Good luck!

