
Friday, February 1, 2019

Chef Zhao Kitchen, Palo Alto

On our first trip to Mountain View, we had a mini reunion with college friends whom we haven't seen for over a decade. We kept in touch via email and social media, sure, but this was the first time we all sat down together in person, had a meal, and caught up with each other's life. Knowing Chef Zhao's Kitchen would be busy, I called weeks ahead for a reservation and, boy, was I glad I did. It was a week night and there was a long line out the door at 6pm.

While Chef Zhao Bistro in Mountain View featured spicier options, Chef Zhao Kitchen were known for their Shanghainese fares, supposedly had the best soup dumplings (小籠包) in all of Northern California. Sold. Both hubby and I love 小籠包 and one of our friends didn't eat much spice so Kitchen was a better choice for all than Bistro, which we already sampled earlier that day.

For four adults, we ordered a feast starting with two appetizers. We had to try both of their steamed and pan-fried 小籠包 and they were quite good! The rest of the dishes was the result of me poring over the yelp photos and picked those most often pictured and/or mentioned in reviews. The sauteed green beans were a must and it was actually the preserved vegetables that caught my eyes.

Chef Zhao special tofu was delicious but the braised pork belly (東坡肉) was a let down. While the meat was soft, it wasn't-melt-in-my-mouth soft like it should have been. In addition, again it was oddly sweet and dare I say bland. There was another preserved greens with pork and I should have gone for that one instead. Dammit.

The soup was fish gluten with tomato clay pot. The fish gluten was super soft and melted in my mouth, very much like mochi cooked in soup. The soup flavor was light and delicate, but not at all bland. Kitchen's version of Chongqing spicy chicken (重慶辣子雞) was actually spicier than Bistro's, and saltier too. I approved, although the best Sichuan food I've ever had was still Szechuan House (川妹子) in Hamilton, New Jersey, of all places. I will never ever forget the food hubby and I ate there. So, so, so spicy but so, so, so good.

Reunion photo :)


  1. Green beans is one of my favorite to cook (it's so basic I dont need to orderl...Now I just need to get soup dumplings when store in Chinatown open again...

  2. Hey Mina,

    Ooohh I want to try the green beans you cook!!! Want to share your recipe? ^.^

  3. No special recipe, just stir fry in hot oil until it's dried a little with bruises (then add stirfried minced pork)...If it fails I add laoganma afterward

  4. Hey Mina,

    You make it sound so easy, but then mine always come out all limp xD

    1. The key is a pan preheated to pretty hot before adding (lots of) oil...American (or Japanese)kitchen are so not equipped for that much smokes...I cook with window open.

  5. Hey Mina,

    No wonder! I remember trying to cook a wok recipe when we were still in NJ only to set off the apartment building smoke detector =.= Not fun. Oh well. I'll just keep ordering it. Ha.

