
Monday, February 25, 2019

Precious Garden Hand Cream Part III

Last fall, Julia, a reader, surprised me with an enormous care package from Tokyo with many of my favorite things: Daiso masking tapes in cute prints, green rooibos tea, hand cream, snacks, and new lippies she thought I'd like but haven't tried because she hasn't seen any reviewed on this blog. I'm so lucky to have such thoughtful, kind, and generous friends! Thank you, thank you, Julia!

Among the goodies was this 70g tube of Precious Garden Hand Cream in the Relaxing Flower scent, which is what I'm reviewing in this post.

I've used this hand cream before but they've changed packaging and I didn't recognize the tube, at least not right away. It was the Relaxing Flower scent that brought back the memories: I first used this when hubby and I were stilling living in Tokyo, the winter of 2015 in fact. Boy am I happy to be using it again now because my hands are so dry my fingertips are chapped and my cuticles are cracking T.T

This scent really hasn't changed at all--it's still so lovely, flowery but isn't overpowering or cloying at the least! The cream itself is thick and perfect for the season, and it leaves my hands super soft. The tube is on my nightstand now and it's only been a few weeks but I've already gone through half! I remember the Honey Peach scent being really nice too. There are two others, Romantic Rose and Fairy Berry, and perhaps I should look into stocking up for next winter. Thank you again, Julia!

Check out these Daiso masking tapes she picked out for me! I'm crazy for cute prints like these!

The snacks are all gone, unfortunately ^.^", and so is this delicious Hanamizuki Hakutou (Green) Rooibos cold-brew. Will review all in details in the next Tea Time and snack posts. 

Here are the five(!) lippies she picked out for me. Among them, the two stand-out favorites are Kiss Creamy Sheer Rouge and Rohto Lip The Color (we laughed at this name for ages xD). I love the Kiss lippies so much I went straight to Rakuten JP and grabbed several more colors. Lip The Color is awesome too, though the color choices are much more limited with only 3 available: Precious Red, Pink Coral, and Foggy Rose. Will review both soon-ish. You see, I've only made it to last September in my photo back-log, which means I am now 5+ months behind again :(

See my previous posts:


  1. I totally forgot to look for your previous hand lotion posts and bought this one on a whim because I love the Honey Peach version! (I think I'll get the Rose oen as well.) They leave a nice film on the skin, don't they? Hopefully you don't feel like you can't be honest in your reviews of the stuff I sent - I want you to be!

  2. Hey Julia,

    OMG I love it! It's really SO perfect for right now and a little while ago I was wishing for a better hand cream than the Kiehl's one I was using. So you made my wish come true, really ^.^ Thank you, Julia!

    And no worries, I'l be honest and truthful. I really do LOVE the Kiss and Lip the Color (still can't get over how stupid that name is... xD). Thank you for sending along Coral Pink--I'm already contemplating picking up Roggy Rose LOL! I'm an incurable addict! Super intrigued with the German lippies too!

    And OMG you sent me SO MUCH Hakutou Rooibos I literally squealed! Can't wait to try the Plum flavor (and all the other teas you sent!!!) also but have to take photos first hahaha

    Big hugs,

  3. I spot Cezanne! I actually love that particular formula (but the shades are kind of boring) and I think there was a super popular brownish red that's was popular among Japanese girls (never saw it stocked while I was there). Anyway,I managed to find another liquid lipstick in brown red and the formula is so nice and the shade looks so expensive yet wearable, I felt like I am wearing celvoke lol.

    I am curious about Chifure lippie since I love their eyeshadow duo (feels and look 10x more expensive than the cost).

  4. Hey Mina,

    Oh yes, I totally forgot to mention the Cezanne lippie but yes, it's super nice also, and the color Julia picked for me was RD1 which is a sheer red and it's just perfect. In fact, I'm still lemming a few other colors in the regular (silver tube) as well as the Clear (silver tube) and Tint (gold tube) formulas.

    Was the sold-out brown one you saw in the gold tube? It's the only brown shade I see online.

    Speaking of Celvoke, I still haven't tried any of their lippies yet. Have you? What do you think?


    1. Not yet...Their shades are too fashion-y if you know I mean? And the counters in Japan were so packed I get overwhelmed easily...I kind of want to try their yellow eyeshadow.

      Their shades selection don't look much better than nars single though so I didn't give it much thought, maybe next time.

      PS. I think the Cezanne lippie is BE-2 (brownish red beige) and the popularity might fade a bit (enough for Hong Kong sites to carry it)in a few months. I was blown away by their liquid lipstick though.

  5. Did I not send Foggy Rose? I remember buying two colors in a hurry, did I get you one twice? ^^;
    The German lippies are all colorless, though. The yellow one is my go-to for night time, and has been for almost ten years.

  6. Hey Julia,

    You got me another Precious Red, which I do love so it's a win-win for me ^.^ Can't wait to try the German lippies WOOT!!!

    And I forgot to mention the Caramel Chocolat black tea--THANK YOU for that! It's really another perfect pick given my insatiable sweet tooth ^.^ I love my tea-flavored milk LOL

    By the way, do you like ochazuke?


  7. Hey Mina,

    LOL yeah, Celvoke is trying too hard to be trendy I think. I've tried several of their eye shadows but found them too similar to Addiction, but at the same time, has less color choices. So I stick with Addiction.

    Ah I see. Yes I see BE2 on Cezanne's website. May be I'll try that one too ^.^


  8. Oops! Sorry! I can send you the missing color with the next care package (and the Cezanne you want), if you can wait a little?

  9. OMG Julia, let me catch up with your first big package on the blog first LOL

    Speaking of the next package (yes, I can definitely wait hahaha), I have something perfect to send you too. And I'll send you a sample of the Peach Green Rooibos that I found here in the USA. It definitely pales to the Hanamizuki one but I'd still like to hear your opinion of it.

    Would you like more Blue Lagoon? I just hoarded another kilo xD


  10. Haha, sure, whenever you're ready. I'll wait for more cosmetic releases and the return of my favorite Lavender Rose Cold Brew Green Roobois Tea for Mother's Day - I think you'll love it!

    I have enough tea to last for at least a year, but thank you! I also just bought a non-cold-brew green rooibos because it was rose and apricot, but I think I prefer the cold brew.

  11. How did you first learn about Hanamizuki teas, Julia?

    Because everything you listed here sounds amazing: Lavender Rose (yas!), and rose and apricot (yasss!)

    Is there anything at all on this side of the pond you're curious about or want to try?


  12. There's a store in my neighborhood and they were handing out little cups of tea, which is how I got hooked. Back then, it was Peach Rose Black Tea and I made Kotaro buy a bag for my birthday, but now I'll totally buy loads on any regular day without feeling bad lol.

    I can't really think of anything I want right now - we even get US candy in the office from all the business trippers. Peanut butter cups are amazing, and now I'm waiting for someone to bring some chocolate turtles lol.

  13. Hey Julia,

    Oh! By peanut butter cups, did you mean Reese's? I love them too, especially the mini ones that take two bites to eat xD

    Right now I'm addicted to Oreos, the thin variety. I wish we get all the fun flavors like those in Japan though!

    Chocolate turtles huh? Interesting. I actually haven't seen those around but then again I don't usually go looking for them. Too dangerous LOL!


  14. I think they're just off-brand ones from Trader Joes! The other day, I thought I could probably make my own by adding peanut butter to a chocolate mould lol

    Oh, which Oreos do you like? I'm not a fan, but I'll see if there's any flavor I might like.

    Ha, I see what you mean. My relatives sent me some a long time ago because I love chocolate and turtles lol

  15. Hey Julia,

    And did you try making the peanut butter cups? How did they turn out?

    I like the thin Oreos in different flavors, depending on what's available for the season. My two most favorite flavors so far are lemon cream and salted caramel, more so the salted caramel because it's actually less sweet than the lemon.

    LOL did you mean chocolates in turtle shapes? Or actual chocolate turtles with caramel and pecans inside? xD


  16. I haven't tried it yet - we had a steady supply at the office until last week, and to be honest I didn't even make Valentine's chocolate this year. I stand around in my job so much, I avoid standing in the kitchen now. But I should try it out on a weekend!

    Oh, I'll have to watch out for those!

    I did mean chocolate turtles with pecans, although I saw a turtle chocolate at Plaza the other day that I was tempted to buy, but knew I could never eat lol

  17. Hey Julia,

    Speaking of peanut butter cups, I know of a newish brand that's been all the rage with the health-conscious crowd. Really yummy! I'll send you some in the next package ^.^

    I just stopped by a big grocery story and among their gigantic aisle of chocolates and candies I didn't see any chocolate turtles. May be it's at a specialty shop or even seasonal. If I see one I'll grab it for you :)

    Oh man, you actually make Valentine's chocolates. Kudos to you! I just buy them, and mostly for myself LOL :P


  18. Oh, thank you! But please don't rush, we're also trying to limit our sweets intake here. ^^;

    Ha, I'd totally buy chocolate as well if I ever found a white mango lemon one that Kotaro likes. Or umeboshi cheesecake lol

  19. Hi Julia,

    Whaaa they make umeboshi cheesecake?? Wouldn't it be salty and sour? xD I love umeboshi but can't quite wrap my head around the cheesecake rendition. Mango lemon sounds yummy though. Mango lemonade is a popular juice flavor here.


  20. They don't make it, I do. Kotaro loves umeboshi, so I found a recipe. It's this:

    Someone actually brought Lemon Oreos to work this week lol

  21. Hey Julia,

    WOAH. Mind blown. Okay, now I MUST try your umeboshi cheesecake. Want to send me some in the next box too? LOL

    haha Did you like the lemon flavor? I think it's good but is a touch sweet.


  22. I would, but you probably shouldn't eat week-old cheesecake sent across the ocean lol I can send you umeboshi, though - those should last, right?

    I don't love Oreos of either flavor, but for that I thought they tasted interesting X'D

  23. Hey Julia,

    Well "shouldn't" doesn't really stop me from, and most people too for that matter LOL

    Actually, the Asian grocery stores here have umeboshi, probably from China or Korea. I haven't tried any of them though.

    Gah now I'm dying to send you some salted caramel Oreo thins. Those were probably some of the best Oreos I've had and I'm not exactly a fan of Oreos. I think they're seasonal unfortunately as all the nearby grocery stores are all sold out of them and they're going for something stupid like $10 a pack on Amazon or Ebay (they're normally $2-3).


  24. I won't be responsible for any food poisoning >.<

    Wow, please don't bother! Japan has lots of salted caramel stuff these days (lol macarons) and we really do need to watch our diets!

  25. Hey Julia,

    Yeah, I bet the salted caramel stuff in Japan tastes way better too and much less sweet. I need to watch my diet too actually. I haven't been exercising at all. After chasing the little one around all day I'm just too exhausted to do anything. And our diet has gotten so bad that cookies suffice as breakfast these days T.T


  26. I walk a lot most days due to work, but as the Taiwanese lady who owns my favorite restaurant said, "why are you still not losing weight??" lol A lot of my cute clothes don't fit anymore after grad school, and I want them to fit again. That's why I buy fancy tea instead now lol
    By the way, do you ever buy anything from Tarte? They have a turtle eye shadow palette that costs less in the US (in Germany it's 42€ plus 15 for shipping), and I was wondering if I could trouble you with it - of course I'd wire you the money!!

  27. You're the best!
    (And I have to check my email to see new comments here anyway, so I saw your mail before this comment lol)
