
Monday, July 31, 2023

Ettusais Lip Color

Wow, it only took me 2 years to get to this post! I don't remember how I stumbled onto this Ettusais Lip Color--maybe Julia told me about it? Anyway, I tried this one color 01 Red and was so impressed I went ahead and got a few more colors too. And of course it's been discontinued at least a year now =.=

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

This is very much a dup of Lavshuca Rouge Essence Bar and Moist Melting Rouge, starting with the twist-up pen packaging. The formula is superb! It's less melty and mushy than Lavshuca, with a thicker texture that's more like custard, so I still can't twist it up past 1mm per application. It feels like custard on my lips too, divinely smooth, balmy, and super moisturizing. Pigmentation is just right, not too intense, but not totally bland either, the kind of sheerness that's build-able. There's a lovely glossy finish too, and of course unscented. Yep. I wanted every color in this range! I hope get to those colors sooner than 2 years ^.^"

- 01 Red: the most perfect shimmer-free and translucent neutral red. Although if I thin it out too much, it'll turn a little pink on me, which is pretty too.

From left to right: Lip Essence and this Lip Color 01 Red, both discontinued.


  1. I've never owned this, so I don't think this one is on me :D
    And you just reminded me how awesome those Lavshuca lipsticks were!

  2. Hi Julia,

    Oops! Your comment got buried in my mountain of emails. Sorry!

    Oh, it wasn't you who sent me this lippie? I was so sure it was you because you've sent me many lippies that I love. Well, maybe I should send you one of these then if I can get a hold of more of them.

    I miss Lavshuca :(

    How did the summer treat you?


  3. Hi,
    no problem! :)
    It's possible that I sent it because I thought you'd like it, but I don't remember doing so ^^;;;
    Please don't send me anything, I'm trying to use up what I have first, since I have too much stuff and it's a hassle every time I need to move ^^;;;;;

    Summer here is weirdly cold, but I'm not complaining. How are you?


  4. Hi Julia!

    Your summer sounds like summers in San Francisco, more chilly than warm! Meanwhile, I'm melting where I am :(

    But other than that, we're all well. The kids are in school. I'm taking classes. It's all good.

    What are you doing?

  5. It's actually been super hot in Europe these past few years (and of course, not aircon), but sumemr in Germany used to be chilly and rainy, so it's like being a kid again lol. Or it was, because we're at 30+ degrees again...

    What kind of classes are you taking?

    I'm not doing much, just taking care of my health, trying to stay sane, and doing a bit of writing.

  6. Hi Julia,

    I'm taking an independent writing class with a teacher/editor, and I'm also taking pilates because my Doc got mad at me for not exercising ^.^" Glad to hear you're taking care of your health too.

    What kind of writing are you doing?

    Goodness, it's just getting hotter everywhere. This summer has been crazy hot where I am too. And we got lots of rain in May, June, and July so up until mid August, it was both hot and humid which was mind blowing because I live in an area that's notoriously dry.


  7. Hi,

    a writing class sounds great! What do they teach you?
    I should exercise more, it's just so hot and I haven't been feeling well at all...

    My writing is still mostly YA. I just started a completely new story just to indulge myself, because I really need it right now :D

    We need to do something to stop global warming, but I don't see how unless we get rid of private planes and all that stuff...


  8. Hi,

    More like every month, I send her 8-10k words. She reads through, leaves margin comments, writes up some feedback, asks questions, points out loop holes, etc. Then 2-3 days after submission, we meet and chat about the comments and feedback she left, and I have my chance to ask her questions, etc.

    I didn't like exercising either, because I have weak joints and most exercises are high impact. So my doc recommended pilates that's low to zero impact, and it's been great! I never thought I'd like to exercise but pilates really changed how I think of exercising. I used to go only once a week for 1hr, but has been trying to up the ante to twice a week for the past month.

    That's what writing is for, really, YOU! Write for yourself first and foremost, I think.

    Sigh...I wonder where the wealthy folks think they can go if this planet went to sh*t ^.^"

    Take care.
