
Monday, February 26, 2018

Suqqu Designing Color Eyes Part II

After Suqqu Designing Color Eyes in 04 絢撫子 (Yayanadeshiko) and 05 蒼雫 (Aoshizuku), I seriously thought I was going to be done with the brand. They'd discontinued the Blend Color Eyeshadows, the Creamy Glows/Moists, and the Bright Ups, all of which I like quite a bit. I thought I had nothing much to look forward to anymore.

Then last summer they released a brand new line of Moisture Rich Lipsticks, admittedly with an unsightly packaging but the formula is fabulous. Along with those new lipsticks were three new additions to the Designing Color Eyes lineup: 06 宵紅 (Yoibeni) Beets & Mauve Grey, 07 翡翠光 (Hisuikou) Sea Green & Amber Beige, and a LE 107 惚紅 (Horeaka) Garnet & Foggy Pink. Let's just say when I first saw the promo pics, I had to have all three =.="

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

I thought all three palettes had striking color combinations, which is pretty rare because I nitpick palettes apart and am always disliking something about each. Sure, there are some colors I like more than others, but overall these are colors I would wear. I've also noticed that since coming home from Tokyo, I'd developed a taste for brighter colors, especially pinks and red-leaning eye shadows. The fact that I picked 04 絢撫子 (Ayanadeshiko) surprised me--these are colors I usually avoid as they may turn red on my lids. May be it's a phase that will soon pass. May be I'd changed ^.^

- 06 宵紅 (Yoibeni) Beets & Mauve Grey: combination of raspberry and lavender gray in this palette caught my eyes. I know the lavender didn't show up very well in my product photos but you can sort of see in the angled swatch below. I didn't have either color in my collection and frankly I was never interested before, but together they make quite an interesting pair.

Clockwise from top left:
- Highlighter: shimmer, medium intensity. Ivory.
- Lid: semi-metallic, medium intensity. A unique lavender-tinged gray. The lavender is not apparent and is better seen from an angle. Very pretty.
- Dark/liner: satin, high intensity. Bitter chocolate.
- Medium: shimmer, high intensity. Raspberry with hot pink shimmers.

- 07 翡翠光 (Hisuikou) Sea Green & Amber Beige: yes, I said I had to have all three of these palettes, but after some thoughts I debated myself whether I should pass on this one. Why? Because it recycled half of 05 蒼雫 (Aoshizuku): the soft white and the gold. In the end, I decided palette 05 lacked the navy I wanted and palette 07 has it, and I went for it even though I wasn't so hot on the turquoise.

Clockwise from top left:
- Highlighter: shimmer, low intensity. A translucent soft white.
- Lid: semi-metallic, high intensity. Opaque antique gold.
- Dark/liner: satin, high intensity. Navy with very fine blue shimmers. At first glance I thought this was a soft-matte but upon swatching I realized it's actually satiny.
- Medium: shimmer, medium intensity. Semi-translucent turquoise. It's very pretty, but I'm not sure how to wear it.

- 107 惚紅 (Horeaka) Garnet & Foggy Pink: I thought this was the star of the new releases and not just because it's a LE. I'd expected Selfridges UK Online to sell out of this palette quickly (and they did, within minutes!) so I ordered it directly with Suqqu UK and paid the extra international postage. Yes, I wanted it that badly: the color combination reminded me of the layers of the jūnihitoe and I had the pleasure of trying one on at Seikoro Ryokan in Kyoto. This quad is every bit as gorgeous in real life as in photos.

Clockwise from top left:
- Highlighter: shimmer, low intensity. Semi-translucent golden beige.
- Lid: semi-metallic, medium intensity. Opaque shell pink.
- Dark/liner: satin, high intensity. Blackened eggplant. Love this color so much!
- Medium: shimmer, medium intensity. The namesake garnet. Gorgeous.

See my previous Suqqu Designing Color Eyes post.


  1. I wasnt interested in the design color eyes because the colors are too jewel tone/deep but I am liking their spring collection so far, especially ryogetsu (the sana excel limited palette has a similar color theme but harder to find on ebay) so I am hunting for it...Meanwhile,I still have three of the older blend color eyes I have never touched, gotta wait for spring for glamour shot.

  2. Hey Mina,

    Oooh which ones of the Blend Color Eyes do you have?

    Interesting that you like their spring collection because I found it boring, especially 09 Ryogetsu is too cool-toned for me. May be I haven't seen good swatches of it! If you do go for it I'll look forward to seeing your review ^.^


    1. I got hisuidama (havent touched since fall 2015 actually because i wanted to collect it), kinshasuna and konruri (the latter were purchased when ebay was 15 off 75 so no markup). Then again I still got a few lunasol as well (not collecting those but I only remembered to use visee/sana/majolica when i do eye makeup)...

      You probably dont need the spring one since they looked a little recycled. From mitsucha and yomogiiro...But I really like the cool silver taupe combo (kinda early days lunasol) so i will look around for it.

  3. Hey Mina,

    Ooohh I want to see Hisuidama! I want to hear your thoughts on Kinshasuna and Konruri too since I have both.

    Which Lunasol's do you have? The only thing I bought from Lunasol recently was the Oil Lip Balm last winter...

    Yeah, I actually much prefer Mitsucha and Yomogiiro to 08 and 09. That said, there's a summer release that looks similar to 08 but with a bright canary yellow. That one looks interesting to me.


  4. I cant exactly keep track of lunasol I have.

    I think there are two 2016 summer LE that I forgot about/not touched yet. Nature Color eyes 04 (the indigo, rosy brown one that looks like contast variation), layer bloom eyes in white gradation , vivid clear the blue summer LE and orange collection, then yesterday I found 3 dimentional eyes in mysterious beige.

    Then there is light variation and nuance variation from aurorized eyes and ruby. I wore them out once each...Anyway, the palettes I reach for the most is visee nudy rich eyes because it requires no thinking at all. I need to go on e
    a n eyeshadow no buy (after I hunt down ryogetsu and the sana LE, of course)...

  5. Hey Mina,

    Oh yes those Clear Colorful Eyes from summer 2016 are gorgeous! And please review Nature Color Eyes 04 soon--I've been lemming it and would love to see swatches for it! Pretty please?? ^.^

