
Monday, August 5, 2024

Dear Beaute Himawari Oil in Shampoo & Conditioner Part II

Some three years after trying Dear Beaute Himawari Oil in Shampoo & Conditioner Rich & Repair, hubby and I finally got around to try the Gloss & Repair version in 360mL/360g fefill bags. We had just finished Daeng Gi Meo Ri Chungeun Shampoo & Conditioner For Oily Scalp so we reused the two pretty navy pump bottles.  

Hubby liked this shampoo and conditioner ok, but I didn't. This pair of shampoo and conditioner made my hair noticeably more oily, to the point my hair left a visible oily spot on the leather head-rest on my car's driver seat--yikes!

The shampoo was a transparent champagne color, foamed like crazy, and felt weirdly slippery during rinse. The conditioner was significantly thinner than the thick and rich Daeng Gi Meo Ri conditioners, and yet my hair was super greasy the next day, which didn't happen at all with either of the Daeng Gi Meo Ri shampoos. Now granted, a few hours after my hair air-dried, it feltssuper silky and soft. However, the softness didn't last and overnight, my head turned into a grease ball. Will not repurchase. 

See my previous Dear Beaute Himawari Oil in Shampoo & Conditioner post.

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