
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Paul & Joe Lipstick CS Part IX

These Paul & Joe Lipstick CS are last year's releases, with 106 Rue Cremieux and 107 Rue Montorgueil from the Spring 2018 collection, and 109 Artiste from the Fall 2018 collection. And silly me, I bought three lipsticks refills but only two Lipstick Case CS 044 and the LE 002. Woops ^.^"

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

The Lipstick Case in LE 002 took me by surprise actually. At $12 (1,200JPY I think) a piece, it was more expensive than the others at $9 (1,000JPY) and I didn't know why. Descriptions can be lacking on Beauty Habit product pages. Then I received it in the mail and was thrilled to see it was fabric and not paper, and was well-made too. So I went right back for the other LE 001 (will post later) because I needed a third case anyway.

The two colors from the spring have a markedly different texture and finish as the one from the fall, super sheer and glossy versus translucent (no white base) but rather pigmented with a subtle satin sheen. 106 and 107 are super moisturizing as well, as with all P&J sheer and glossy lipsticks.

- 106 Rue Cremieux: a springy, girly, and translucent cool pink with micro-shimmers that aren't really visible (why bother?). This color shows better on my lips than 107 below.

- 107 Rue Montorgueil: transparent and with a slightly pearly peach sheen due to the micro-shimmers. This, folks, is pretty much a peachy lip balm, which I don't mind but may be others will.

- 109 Artiste: a warm strawberry red that's shimmer-free and translucent (as in no white base) but is pigmented, and leaves a satin sheen. Did I mention it was pigmented? The swatch below is one swipe, and one swipe shows really well on my lips too. I actually like this color a lot even though it's way more pigmented than the lippies I reach for everyday. It's a very flattering red on me, and not at all jarring or screaming for attention. I usually do one of two things, swipe once on the bottom lip and press to spread for a stain-like effect, or apply balm on the upper lip and again press to spread for more shine and maximum moisture. This is not to say the color is at all drying. I just use it sparingly that's all.

106 Rue Cremieux, 107 Rue Montorgueil, and 109 Artiste.

See my previous posts:


  1. Omg I like artiste...But I am too lazy to get a case and refill separatly...

    Btw I notice that for invisible micro shimmer in a clear base, they add dimension and make a clear formula a little juicier and more jelly-looking. For actual visible shimmer a lot of brand add them to make the crap formula smoother (mica and talc a slippy) and kind of bind them together.

  2. Hey Mina,

    May be so! I always thought the dimension was from the formula's glossy finish but you're right that the micro-shimmers do reflect light and add dimension. I guess as long as they don't turn the texture of the lippy gritty, I don't mind them as much.

    Actually, from that fall collection, in addition to 109 Artiste, 108 La Poete is gorgeous as well. I'll post this one later once I catch up with pictures ^.^"

