Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tokyo Eats - Roppongi Area Part IV

More food in Roppongi, though probably not the last since I'm still waaay behind on photos. I'd thought to wait until I'm all caught up but the post will grow too long, so I'm posting what I have now, already pretty darn long as it is!

An art display at Midtown, along with even more photos of sakura that I didn't get to in the previous installment. I know, I'm posting spring photos in the fall and summer photos in the winter. Ha.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tea Time! Part II

More tea and tea-related things! If you've seen some of these photos before, it's because I pulled them from the previous post that was too long.  

This was the matcha from my local grocery store that I'd sent home with great success! There were quite a few choices on the shelf of course, with price ranging from $5-30. I asked the store staff for a recommendation and was told this was the best-selling. It cost all of $6!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Coffret D'Or Premium Stay Rouge Part V

Finally got to my additions of Coffret D'Or Premium Stay Rouge from this past spring. Out of the 8 colors released (with names!), I got PK-299 Orchid Pink and PK-300 Clear Pink, both in the regular lineup, and PK-304 Blossom Pink and PK-305 Berry Pink, both limited editions and are scented.

Unless otherwise stated, all pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Afternoon Tea at the Lobby Lounge, Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo Part II

After the failed afternoon tea at Piacere, my friends and I agreed we'd give the Lobby Lounge Shangri-La Hotel one more try. So when J. had friends visiting, we took them back here. Thankfully, they didn't mess up this time and we got seated where we should be :)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Addiction Color Chic Eye Liner Swatches

So... you might noticed the name of my blog has changed yet again. It's because, well, hubby and I are no longer in Tokyo. We've moved (yet again) home to the US of A for now, and I say "for now" because every time I think "for good," I've been wrong.

This means these Addiction Color Chic Eye Liner swatches are the last of the spy photos for a while :( I really liked being able to go out there and see the stuff in person, and not having to pay marked-up prices was nice. But oh well, I'm still a good 5-6 months behind on photos, so by my estimate Japan-related posts will be forthcoming well into next year ^.^"

***Screencaps from Addiction JP.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Canmake Stay-On Balm Rouge SPF11 PA+ Part III

Wow, I totally forgot to review this Canmake Stay-On Balm Rouge SPF11 in the newest color 12 Little Plum Candy! So here's a quick post, if a little late, sorry!

I've had this color for a while when it came out and liked it enough to grab a backup. Since I've already review these balm rouges in detail, here's the color description and swatch.

- 12 Little Plum Candy: a shimmer free blue-based maraschino red. Nothing plummy about it in my humble opinion. As you can see, it's translucent but is decently pigmented and shows up even better on my lips. So I use it gingerly but I do like the color very much and hence the backup stick :)

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

See my previous posts:

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Tokyo Eats - Tokyo Station Part II

Since discovering the Kitte building in the spring, I've been bringing hubby, friends, and visiting family back again and again. Of course, Tokyo Station is huge and this is just a tiny sliver of it, I'm just slow to explore, that's all :P

This is the inside of that red dome. Pretty, huh?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Afternoon Tea at Piacere, Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo

In my last post on afternoon tea at the Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo, I mentioned hubby and I would bring our friends back for the monthly tea club. We did, and the most frustrating, funny-not funny thing happened: they switched restaurants on us!

I'd called and made a reservation for afternoon tea at the Lobby Lounge, but when we showed up, we were led away from the Lobby Lounge and deeper into the back of the hotel. To our surprised, they sat us at a table in the Piacere, an Italian restaurant in the hotel, which also offers an afternoon tea service. We were all pretty confused.

Monday, October 3, 2016

rinRen Non-Additive Shampoo Rose & Tsubaki

With hubby having only a few weeks left on his assignment in Tokyo, of course I had to bust out a brand new shampoo, a 400mL refill pouch of rinRen Non-Additive Shampoo Rose & Tsubaki.

This is a non-additive and vegan shampoo from the brand BbyE. I've never seen it before and only found it when J. dragged me to the local Natural Lawson one day. Aside from Rose & Tsubaki, there was also Yuzu & Ginger which I bought but will pack to bring home instead.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Afternoon Tea at the Lobby Lounge, Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo

During their visit, mum and aunt-in-law love their tea time at the Mandarin Oriental so much they wanted to go again. We immediately called around for a reservation, but given it was the second week of April, everybody and their mothers and sisters were out having high tea, plus it was very last-minute and most places were booked full. We counted our lucky stars when we got a table at the Lobby Lounge on the 28th floor of the Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo. Even better was that the tea session had a sakura theme, given it was sakura season.

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