My soap saga continues.
Anderson Soap CompanyI finally tried Dennis's
Soaps in a Jar after eyeing them for so long. They were good, absolutely gentle to my skin and I really loved how they didn't leave me with the slightest bit of dry or itchiness. However, just my humble opinion, but I thought they were also very impractical. Yes, they were soap, but I had to open up the jars and dig my fingers in. I do have other gels and creams in jars which require me to use my fingers for application, but mind you I always wash my hands prior to applying any skincare products. Given these were
soaps in jars, and reaching for soap meant I needed a wash to begin with! So I really prefer NOT to dig my dirty fingers in any jar, soap jars included. Ick.
Anyway, I used these soaps as a body wash to minimize the ick factor as my hands are always decently clean coming into the shower. Still, I think I prefer my body soaps in easily dispensable packaging. For hand soaps, bars work just fine since I lather them up in running hot water. Another thing I wasn't really thrilled about with these Soaps in a Jar was their texture. They're supposed to be a "fluffy whip," but they were more like a waxy and thick cake icing, definitely not fluffy. These didn't lather well either. To get a good lather I'd have to put a ton onto the puff, which made these go through 2 jars in record time. I think I won't repurchase these again and will stick to the bar soaps next time.
Lemon Meringue Soap in a Jar: smelled so freaking yummy, just like the real lemon cookies! It smelled so convincingly real that before shower time every night, hubby would get up and say, "Time to go rub some lemon cookies all over my body!" LOL!

Cherry Blossom Soap in a Jar: this one smelled okay, although nothing like Cherry Blossom and more like Cherry Laffy Taffy. Waaaaaaay too strong and tangy. I think both hubby and I liked the Lemon Meringue scent better.

Peppermint Lime Oatmeal Exfoliating Soap: This one smelled really nice, but the scent faded very quickly. Not enough peppermint oil, may be? I couldn't detect the lime at all. Also, I've beginning to notice a base fragrance for all of Dennis's soap bars. Don't get me wrong, this base fragrance is very nice, but unless he differentiate each bar enough, the top note is too weak and all his soaps end up smelling the same after some use.

Pure Romance Soap: like the Peppermint Lime bars above, this soap smelled really really nice in the shrink wrap, but as soon as I use it, its fragrance faded immediately, leaving only the base scent behind, which made it smell just like any other soaps Dennis makes. So yeah, this bar was a bit of a disappointment, especially since I had high hopes for it.

Fresh Linen Soap: now THIS is more like it! I think this is a duplicate of
Estee Lauder's Pure White Linen, but this one smelled good in the shrink wrap and even better after use! In fact, it scented my entire sink area! Wow! I will definitely buy more of these bars, especially when my mum is a huge fan of the Estee Lauder perfume. She'll definitely appreciate these soaps!

Heathen's HearthOkay, I thinking I'm getting disenchanted with Heathen's Hearth's goat's milk soaps. Without fail, these soaps would fall apart and disintegrate into a slimy, gooey mess after about half way through each bar. At first I thought it was just because of the summer usage and the soaps didn't get a chance to dry up properly and melted in the heat and humidity. But even now, it's dry as the damn desert in my apartment and they still fell apart! Perhaps it's the goat's milk base that's not up to par. I'm going to have to look into getting my goat's milk soaps else where. I gave them a very thorough trial to come to this conclusion. I went through how many bars now? And I still have a gazillion bars left to use, so I think I'm being pretty fair. For now, I'll continue to put up with them until I run out. Then it is goodbye. Goodbye. GOODBYE.
Strawberry Cheesecake Natural Glycerin & Goat's Milk Soap: before I grew frustrated with Heathen's Heart's soaps and their melty inclination, in my premature enthusiasm I gave this bar to a friend who has a sweet tooth. I hope she liked it :X Man, it makes me feel terrible to give someone something I later realized wasn't too great after all. Not to mention it makes me look bad. Grr...

Lavender Natural Goat's Milk Soap: this bar went to my mum in law, who lives in a much much dryer place than I do, especially in the summer. I hope she made out okay with it. She said she liked all the soaps I sent her so...*crossing my fingers*

Pina Colada Natural Glycerin & Goat's Milk Soap: this one went to mum in law too.

Strawberries & Cream Goat's Milk Soap: I absolute hated this soap's scent. It didn't smell like strawberries and cream at all but more like strawberry chapstick! It had this weird waxy and chemically odor that I just couldn't stand!

See my previous posts:
Soap Crazy-
Soap Crazy Part II