Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tsubaki Oil Extra 2017 Winter Limited Shampoo and Conditioner

Before leaving Tokyo in the fall of 2016, I hoarded four sets of Tsubaki Oil Nouveau 2015 Winter Limited Shampoo and Conditioner while showing my brother around Asakusa. Yes, I like them that much, though it doesn't mean I don't get bored of them. I do, and I did. Ha.

So after a few detours with old favorites like Super Mild and Ichikami Moisture Shampoo, I found the new Tsubaki Oil Extra 2017 Winter Limited Shampoo and Conditioner sets reasonably priced on Amazon and picked one up for science. The set contains two pump bottles, 450mL each of Moisture Balance Care Shampoo & Conditioner.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Canmake Stay-On Balm Rouge SPF11 PA+ Part V + Tint Type

Since last fall, I'd gotten my hands on three more Canmake Stay-On Balm Rouge in the colors 13 Milky Alyssum and 14 Poppy Bouquet from the regular lineup, and a Tint Type T04 Chocolate Lily

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Suqqu Moisture Rich Lipstick Part III

Last November, before going to bed I was using the last few minutes of the day to surf the web. Then I got bored and hopped over to Selfridges UK and checked out their Suqqu product page. Lo and behold, there were two new limited edition items I hadn't seen or heard of before: a Moisture Rich Lipstick 103 煌陽 (Kouyou) Fresh Coral and a Designing Color Eyes 108 曉空 (Akatsukizora) Coral x Purple (will review next).

Normally, I would try to research those items and find out what I'm looking at before clicking buy, but they both were so pretty even in stock photos. Knowing it was Suqqu via Selfridges UK, I clicked buy while holding my breath. Good thing I did, because they sold out pretty quickly afterwards!

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Suqqu Designing Color Eyes Part III

Last holidays season, Suqqu released a UK-exclusive collection that included three LE Extra Glow Lipsticks and three Designing Color Eyes. Despite one of the three palettes being neutral earth-toned, to my own surprise I found myself drawn to one I never thought I would find attractive: 109 祝紅灯 (Iwaiakari) Fuchsia & Aubergine.

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Lipstick Queen The Pretty Pair

This short post isn't a review since it's a repeat purchase of two Lipstick Queen lipsticks I own and already reviewed before. But back in January there was a sweet sale, and among other things I picked up this Pretty Pair set for steal of $17. So here it is!

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Paul & Joe Lipstick N Part VIII

I swore up and down I wouldn't touch the new Paul & Joe Lipstick N. I didn't like that they'd changed the packaging, the tube and the case, because that meant I'd have to buy a new case if I were to buy new a Lipstick N. And then I fell for a nifty Beauty Habit GWP and picked up 102 Saveur Melon and 103 Framboise Mure along with Lipstick Case CS 040 and 041. I know, I have zero willpower.

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Maquillage Dramatic Rouge Part V

Funny how I started out poo-pooing these Maquillage Dramatic Melting Rouge, only to have that same oily formula grow on me over the past two years. So now I can just sit back and pick from the new colors they release each season, this is great! ...Not. They just released the Dramatic Rouge P last November, which probably means the original line will get discontinued sooner or later. Urgh. So I went ahead and picked up several more colors before they're gone for good. Here are the first three: RD324 Red Velvet, RD533 Vintage Red, and RS547 Grace Rose.
All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Cosme Decorte AQMW Eye Glow Gem

I blame Citrine for these Cosme Decorte AQMW Eye Glow Gems :P Two of the colors she reviewed were so mesmerizing I couldn't resist picking them up despite my best effort to avoid powder-cream hybrids. Not only they tend to dry up before I could even take pictures of them, when I actually get around to using them, they'd crease on me =.=

Anyway, two of the colors she reviewed was GR780 and GY081 from the permanent lineup, and I got them along with the limited editions BL981 and PU181 from the 2017 fall/winter release.

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Caudalie Cleansing Water Part II

A number of years ago, I gave my mum this Caudalie Beauty Essentials from the Vine set for the holidays. I'd bought one for myself also and liked pretty much everything in it, the Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet, the Pulpe Vitaminee Eye and Lip Cream, even the Vinoperfect Radiance Serum. Well, with the exception of this 50mL of Cleansing Water which I passed on to a friend.

Then earlier this year, mum gave her bottle of cleansing water back to me, untouched. She said she didn't know what to do with it. I said next time, she should probably give it back to me sooner than five (or was it six?) years later =.=" Sigh.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Lunasol Oil Lip Balm

Last winter, I thought Lunasol's entire 2017 holiday collection was sleep-inducing and passed on the whole thing with the exception of these Oil Lip Balms. Even then, I skipped EX01 Tint Shiny Pink because self-explanatory, and plus stock photos shows shimmers, urgh. But EX02 Tint Red and EX03 Tint Bordeaux caught my eyes with their translucent juiciness and I sure had to have them.

All pictures taken in natural light without flash. The blue cast in the photos was from a cloud-less sunny day ^.^"

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