I have been to a few dessert buffets, and they all have salad bars and serve pastas for some savory appetite whetting before the dive into the sweets. The difference between other dessert buffets and Dessert Kingdom is that the latter serves *real* food, as in instead of simple pastas in plain sauces they whip up the whole shebang. That means you'll actually get pastas with meat, seafood, and/or vegetable toppings in them instead of just plain sauces. Same with the pizza, omurice, soup, and curry. They totally sold me on the omurice. Delicious!

We've been back twice now. Both times I pretty much hovered the omurice pan as well as the 3 pasta pans and still haven't been able to keep track of how many different dishes of pastas that are on rotation. As soon as one pan is emptied (which takes all of 5 minutes), it gets replaced with another freshly made pan of a totally different pasta. I've had at least 8 different kinds of pastas but only have pictures of 5 because I forgot my camera the first time ^.^ As for the omurice, I've had 3 different kinds. I haven't tried any of the pizzas because my stomach can only take so much food, but hubby likes them and he's a picky eater.
Left picture: omurice on the far left, assorted pizzas middle front, 3 pans of different pastas at upper right, and behind them are baskets of assorted breads.
Right picture: salad bar.
See a video of the whole buffet.

Now I can't make any sense out of a dessert buffet that fills you up on yummy food when the main spotlight is supposed to be on the desserts, but you can trust that this is not a complaint at all. The last time I was there with hubby, I ate so much of their delicious pastas I didn't think I'll need to eat again for the next few days. They time you of course, so people can't just come in and spend a whole day eating at their leisure. On the weekdays, you get 90 minutes and on the weekends you get 70, but it won't take long at all for you to get [very] full. And you'd think this place is expensive - it's not. It's only about 1,300yen per person, and if you want the drink bar throw in another 200yen. So not only it's the yummiest dessert buffet, it's also the cheapest! How's that for service?
Left picture: my first plate was a cup of onion soup with chopped ham, my favorite curry-seasoned omurice with bits of vegetables mixed in, and clam pasta. If you are wondering where are the pastas, it's because I ate them before remembering to take a picture ^.^ Oh, and the darjeeling tea :D
Right picture: my second plate with shrimp and asparagus pasta, pasta with sausage and marinara sauce, and some more omurice, this one plain.

My last plate before my tummy went on strike and wouldn't take any more food. I had chicken sausage and broccoli pasta, and seafood pasta with shrimp, clam, squid, and scallops. And I could only sneak in 2 pieces of dessert, milk pudding in berry sauce, a small square of cheese cake, and another cup of tea to go with them. Ha. So much for the dessert buffet.

Left picture: half of the dessert buffet. Hubby's favorite is the chocolate fondu and fresh fruit trays at the far right. He loves the chopped bananas dipped into warm dark chocolate ^.^

The rest of the desserts is kept in a glass refrigerator. Hopefully I will get to more of these the next time we go, though I doubt it ^.^

Ooooh, that reminds me of Sweets Paradise. Dang it, now I want cheeseke cake and chocolate tarte and...
Hi Julia!
I've been to Sweets Paradise ^.^ But this place is definitely better and cheaper! The next time you visit Japan, you should definitely check it out!
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