I have a gazillion of these
Juicy Tubes, some I bought, and some from GWP. I've been using them for years and find that people either love them or hate them. Those who like them like them because they last and last and last. I can personally attest to that, as I usually put some on before going to the gym, and they would be on my lips still, glossy and all, after I get out of the shower! Others dislike them because they are sticky. Personally, I find them NOT very sticky, as they do come off on the tissue when I choose to wipe them off. I've had trouble wiping other glosses off with the tissue ends up tearing and sticking my lips instead. Now
that's sticky! I prefer my lip glosses that thick anyway because, well, they stay put! Another thing I love about these Juicy Tubes is that their formula is quite smooth and is much more comfortable and hydrating on my lips than any other lip glosses I've tried. Except for the ones with tons of shimmers or chunky glitters, the sheer ones and the ones with fine shimmers feels buttery and wonderfully soft! I just love them!
Now, the rant: I don't love all the Juicy Tubes flavors! In fact, I abhor some of them as they give me headaches! Yuck! It's really too bad because, I suppose, the flavors aren't the most difficult thing to improve upon. Lancome's got everything else right, so why can't they make every flavor pleasing instead of disgusting? Hmph.
Anyway, below are a few I've been using for a while now. I have many others I haven't had the chance to thoroughly tried so I won't review until then. Only some flavors and endure the test of time.
Pure: it's clear, smells like lychee, and is significantly less thick than all my other Juicy Tubes. But then it also doesn't last as long. Perhaps it would be more suitable for those who like their lip glosses less sticky.

Daiquiri: a translucent faint pink, looks colorless on but somehow brings the natural pink out of my lips. I like the scent too, a bit sweet like candy. One of my favorite Juicy Tubes.

Spring Fling: a baby pink and a bit more opaque than Daiquiri. Again, looks colorless on but will bring out my lips' natural color. I also like the scent, it smells sweet, only I can't pin point what that flavor is, exactly. Another one of my favorites.

Miracle: a glittery candy pink that adds just a touch of pink, almost undetectable. But it does make my lips look really really glossy, probably because of the glitters. It also doesn't feel as smooth as the non-shimmery ones because of the glitters.

Melon: a rosy color with a touch of nude. I actually really like this color, it makes my lips perfectly glossy and alive, only I just can't stand the smell. It's supposed to be Melon flavor but it's somehow nauseating. This happened with another Juicy Tube I had, only worse: Bolole - the flavor actually reminds me of funeral flowers and it was so disgusting I tossed it after a few uses. This one's going soon too, sadly.

Cherry Burst: smells like cherry candy, which I like, but the color is a bright cool red (although it doesn't look it in the picture), and well, it makes me look like a clown. It is actually one of the most pigmented gloss I've ever tried, so now I only use a tiny little it, and the color turns out okay. Still too cool and too red, but I can live with that.

Cerise: an almost transparent watermelon red with sparse gold glitter. I absolutely love the color, but again hate the flavor. It gives me a headache! Tossed :(