Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Suqqu Tone Touch Eyes Part II

Hi there. I'm still here. Sorry for the lack of posts so far this year. 

2020 was a rough year. I hope everyone is well and healthy, and can find little nuggets of sunshine wherever and whenever possible. Hubby and I are surviving. As members of the general public, we're only a few days away from getting our Covid-19 vaccine, so we're hanging in there. I hope everyone has gotten theirs or is getting theirs soon. As eager as we are for this pandemic thing to be over, we're not about to throw caution to the wind now that we're this close to the end.

I'm still going through my skincare queue. It's the color makeup that's taking a hit in terms of usage, not surprising given I can count on one hand how many times I've left the house since lock-down began in March 2020, as if I was able to leave the house that often before. I'm so behind on photos and posts (may be a year's worth of photos now?) it's not even funny. Ha.

Anyway, these Suqqu Tone Touch Eyes were Umeda Hankyu LE from fall 2019 that didn't show up on Selfridge UK online until around January 2020. It was some kind of technical glitch if I recall correctly. There were four colors available, 101 華靄 (Hanamoya) and 102 霞空 (Kasumizora) in the Silk finish (shimmery with some metallic), and 103 銀緑 (Ginryoku) and 104 銀朱 (Ginshu) in the Stellar finish (highly shimmer with some metallic, without the embossed Suqqu logo).

All pictures taken in natural light without flash.


I'm glad to have gotten a hold of these. They're beautiful! All four are well pigmented. Interestingly enough, the two Stellar shades are more pigmented than the two Silk shades. All four are shimmery, with 103 銀緑 (Ginryoku) being metallic, totally my jam. They're all colors I would definitely wear as well. Love!

- 101 華靄 (Hanamoya), Silk: shimmer, medium intensity. A lotus pink, as in a cooler pink with a tinge of violet. Very pretty.

13 洸紫 (Koushi) and 101 華靄 (Hanamoya). The violet in 101 is most evident in the angled swatch.

- 102 霞空 (Kasumizora), Silk: shimmer, medium intensity. Looks boring in the pan, right? Not so in natural light. It's a rather interesting purplish taupe gray. The purple doesn't evident until seen at an angle. The taupe isn't apparent until I compare the pan side by side 15 溺星 (Oboreboshi) below.

102 霞空 (Kasumizora) and 15 溺星 (Oboreboshi).

- 103 銀緑 (Ginryoku), Stellar: high shimmer metallic, high intensity. Metallic olive green with gold sparkles. My favorite color of the bunch.

- 104 銀朱 (Ginshu), Stellar: high shimmer, high intensity. Another color that's more than meets the eye. This is a peachy copper with gorgeous pink--yes pink--shimmers! Admittedly I couldn't catch it very well so this sparkling pink sheen is only kind of visible in the angled swatches, but it's breathtaking in natural light. 

Top row: 101 華靄 (Hanamoya) and 102 霞空 (Kasumizora) 
Bottom row: 103 銀緑 (Ginryoku) and 104 銀朱 (Ginshu)

See my previous Suqqu Tone Touch Eyes post. 


Julia said...

I didn't even know Suqqu made singles, lol! Glad you're close to getting your vaccine - both Japan and Europe have barely started rolling out dates for high-risk people.

D. said...

Hi Julia,

They did, though only in the past year or two.

Oh really? I was under the impression Europe and Japan are both away ahead of the US with the vaccine.

How's Geneva treating you?


Julia said...

You'd think that, wouldn't you? But both Japan and Germany are not exactly forerunners when it comes to smart covid-related decisions...

Geneva is okay so far, I haven't really been anywhere other than the supermarket, but at least I got a lot of bread, hummus, veggie food and affordable (for Switzerland) fruit!

D. said...

Supermarket is a fine place to start. To be honest, that's where I always start when moving to a new place--check out what's the food options available in the area first LOL
And yes, fruits are the first thing I bought a bunch of upon moving home from Tokyo too ^.^"

That's interesting. But Japan and Germany are still doing LOADS better than the US when it comes to managing the pandemic. There still are folks here who doesn't "believe" it's real and are actively fighting and dissuade others from getting the vaccine +.+

Take care!

Julia said...

We bought fruits, veggie nuggest, and snacks, lol! All my friends want me to send Swiss chocolate - how about you?

Honestly, Germany is a shit show right now, but Japan isn't exactly looking great either. Several of my friends think the case numbers are fudged (no testing = low numbers), and a bunch of government officials had an indoor drinking party (like, a whole department) despite telling citizens to lay low. The restaurants were completely packed whenever I peered inside, and even in freaking Japan, like 20% of the people have no idea how to wear a mask properly, and a few idiots are protesting the measures even.

D. said...

Hi Julia,

Goodness gracious--I think I'll at least wait for several months for you to settle down first before asking for anything LOL You're so sweet to offer. Thank you so much!!!

Oh Julia, the restaurants here have been packed since the holiday seasons last year despite the spiking infection and death rates at the time. Ha.

How's apartment hunting going?


Julia said...

Eh, I'd rather you'd say them now while I have time to shop - I hope to get a job at some point!

Restaurants in Europe seem to be mostly closed, but since eating out in Switzerland is super expensive, we wouldn't know. I'm really happy buying all the food from the store and having easy access to nice, frozen pizza and proper bread if I really don't feel like cooking.

We might have found a nice place, but there's like a million documents to wait on such as residence permits, and those things take time...

D. said...

Hi Julia,

Thank you so much! You're so sweet but I'll refrain :) You've sent me so many goodies already!

Good luck with the place you like! There are a million and one forms to fill out here as well ^.^"


Julia said...

Please do let me know if you change your mind!

And thank you - we have a ton of extra work because we need a middleman who speaks French, but the guy they recommended us is... not the most competent.

D. said...

Aww... that's frustrating, isn't it? Are there other people you could work with who is competent? Hang in there!


Julia said...

Thank you! It really is (they're not cheap either!), but we're almost there, so things should calm down soon.

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