Several months before my little one came along, I'd stopped using my jar of Boscia Sake Balm even though it gave me amazingly smooth and slick skin. I was afraid it might affect the tiny one in my tummy then--silly, I know, since I'd been using the stuff for 2-3 months into the pregnancy already. Ha. It wasn't like I slathered this stuff on all over but still, I stopped using and the rest of that jar dried out.
Now that baby hasn't been attached to me by a cord for 19+ months and hasn't nursed for more than half a year, I started on a new jar I picked up during a Boscia sale. I don't see this balm on their website anymore, by the way, which might mean it's been discontinued :(
Sorry, these pictures of the jar are recycled from the previous post. It looks exactly the same as the previous so I didn't bother photographing the new one ^.^"