Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Dove Botanical Selection Damage Protection Shampoo and Conditioner

Happy New Year!

Hubby and I finished the refill pack of Bene Premium Bluria Delicious SPA Shampoo a couple of weeks ago and promptly moved on to this 400mL bottle of Dove Botanical Selection Damage Protection Shampoo and Conditioner. I found these in a set via Amazon JP and they were willing to send them overseas to me at a pretty reasonable price. The package arrived well-packed and in great condition too! Hooray! 

First thing I noticed when I received the package was that both bottles were 2/3 full. Huh?!? Did they spill during transit or something? But then the plastic packaging was pristine without any sign of spillage. Upon closer inspection, I realized that Dove had actually used a 600mL bottle and filled (and labeled!) it for only 400mL of product! That's got to be a mistake, right? Somebody definitely goofed, because it sure looked terrible. Think about it. You bought a brand new bottle of shampoo only to find it 2/3 full. And if you can't picture how full is 2/3 full, here's the Dove 600mL bottle next to an actual 400mL one (Laggie Clay Moist Shampoo, another recommendation from Julia, will review later). How ridiculous is that?

But other than the terrible optics, thankfully the shampoo itself is great! It's a thick transparent gel so similar to Bluria Delicious SPA that I did a double-take the first time I tried it, especially because I started using one right after the other. It smelled different though, of course, a "green floral-fruity" fragrance. I like the Bluria Delicious SPA scent way better, but Dove isn't bad. In fact, to my delight the shampoo works just as well as Bluria. Woot! I have tried it by itself, with Bene Premium Bluria Moist Spa Treatment, with Yanagiya Anzu Oil Hair Toning Lotion, and with the Conditioner below, all with the same nice results. My hair is light and bouncy the next morning. Love it!

The conditioner is nice too. It's on the thicker side as well, and with the same fragrance but somehow smells much more floral than the shampoo ^.^" To be honest, I'm not a big conditioner user, and hubby doesn't use conditioner at all, so a bottle of conditioner usually lasts me a whole year through at least 1-2 bottles of shampoo. But that isn't to say I don't appreciate a good conditioner like this one.


Julia said...

Your first post in 2020!

I sometimes see "trial" sizes that are only half full sold in stores in Japan, so I guess that's what they did. Strange, huh? Maybe it has something to do with the size of the refills?

How do you not go through conditioner quickly? I'm always done with mine way before the shampoo, but my hair is fairly dry at the ends and pretty long lately.

D. said...

Hi Julia,

Thank you! Yours is the first comment in 2020 as well!

I thought the same and checked out Dove's JP website for the shampoo. Turns out the refill is even smaller--350mL! That bottle could hold almost 2 refill packs!

Because of my oily scalp, I only use conditioner on the ends of my hair, and only a few days a week. Because I have a lot of hair that just takes too long to rinse, on other days I get lazy and opt for spray-on leave-in stuff ^.^"


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