Yesterday I got quite a pleasant surprise in my Inbox - a comment from Julia of Colour Me Cute giving me a neat little blog award ^.^
I started this blog in 2007 as an outlet for my hobby, and the occasional interaction with the lovely gals who dropped me a comment or two, and gave some excellent advices and recommendations along the way(!!!), is already more than enough of a reward for me. But for someone to actually think of giving me a blog award? How sweet is that? Thank you for thinking of me, Julia!

And so I am happily passing this sweet gesture on. The "rule" is really just to pass this on to 7 other blogs that you read with a brief note, so below are my 7. Oh, and repeats are okay, or so I've been told.
My 7 in no particular order:
- Julia from Colour Me Cute has given me some great advices, the best of which has totally changed the way I view and use Japanese greasy cream eyeshadows.
- Same goes for Kuri from Tokyo クリ
- Citrine from Citrine's Blog and I have had some fun conversations too ^.^ And some of her blog posts cracks me up and I really appreciate her humor and candor.
- Snowkei's Blog (in Chinese)